Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Israeli Forces Kidnap Cynthia McKinney

Israeli forces boarded a ship carrying Cynthia McKinney and 20 others and took them all into custody. The ship was in international waters. It was on a humanitarian mission to Gaza.
In 2008, the ship carrying Cynthia was rammed by Israeli forces.
Her boat was carrying crayons, paint, coloring books, pencils and paint brushes.
22nd June 2009 Video Free Gaza News Press Conference

Two of the organizers, Huwaida Arraf and Greta Berlin, as well as the Honorable Cynthia McKinney, former U.S. Congresswoman from Georgia, held a press conference yesterday in Doha, Qatar. All three called on the world to recognize Palestinian human and civil rightsrights that have been denied for 61 years.

In three days, the Free Gaza movement sails 240 miles from Cyprus to Gaza, its eighth mission to break Israels draconian siege on 1.5 million Palestinians there. In the holds of the FREE GAZA and the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY will be tons of cement, and suitcases full of toys, crayons and coloring books for the children, all items banned by Israels government.

Speaking to Al Jazeera and eight other news organizations, Ms Arraf emphasized, International donors pledged over $4bn to rebuild Gaza, yet none of them are doing a thing about the fact that Israel allows no building supplies into the territory. So 36 of us from 16 countries are leaving on Thursday to tell the world to do something.

The group intends to go at least three times over the summer; June 25th, July 14th, and August 16th, near the anniversary of the first successful voyage.

Gaza Friends

spirit of humanity
Spirit of Humanity left Cyprus on June, the 29th to bring to Gaza medical supplies and cement. Mission updates at freegaza.org/live
Update: 07.02.09
Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Speaks from Israeli Jail Cell After Arrest on Boat Delivering Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

Irish Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire speaks to us from her jail cell in Israel. She was taken into custody along with twenty others, including former US Congress member Cynthia McKinney, when the Israeli military boarded their ship in international waters as it tried to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza. -- DemocracyNow.org
Cynthia McKinney calls WBAIX from Israeli prison

The latest news:
"Israel on Wednesday reportedly sent home two of the 21 people taken aboard a ship that attempted to break through a blockade and deliver supplies to Gaza.

Authorities released an American filmmaker and a Danish human rights activist, according to freegaza.org, the web site of the Free Gaza Movement, which organized the voyage opposing the blockade."
-- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



Green Party: President Obama and the US State Dept. must demand release of Cynthia McKinney and 20 other human rights activists on Free Gaza relief boat seized by Israeli gunboats

For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624, cell 202-904-7614, mclarty@greens.org
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805, starlene@gp.org
Update 07.02.09 6:57pm
Kidnapped Passengers from the Spirit of Humanity include:
Khalad Abdelkader, Bahrain
Khalad is an engineer representing the Islamic Charitable Association of Bahrain.

Othman Abufalah, Jordan
Othman is a world-renowned journalist with al-Jazeera TV.

Khaled Al-Shenoo, Bahrain
Khaled is a lecturer with the University of Bahrain.

Mansour Al-Abi, Yemen
Mansour is a cameraman with Al-Jazeera TV.

Fatima Al-Attawi, Bahrain
Fatima is a relief worker and community activist from Bahrain.

Juhaina Alqaed, Bahrain
Juhaina is a journalist & human rights activist.

Huwaida Arraf, US
Huwaida is the Chair of the Free Gaza Movement and delegation co-coordinator for this voyage.

Ishmahil Blagrove, UK
Ishmahil is a Jamaican-born journalist, documentary film maker and founder of the Rice & Peas film production company. His documentaries focus on international struggles for social justice.

Kaltham Ghloom, Bahrain
Kaltham is a community activist.

Derek Graham, Ireland
Derek Graham is an electrician, Free Gaza organizer, and first mate aboard the Spirit of Humanity.

Alex Harrison, UK
Alex is a solidarity worker from Britain. She is traveling to Gaza to do long-term human rights monitoring.

Denis Healey, UK
Denis is Captain of the Spirit of Humanity. This will be his fifth voyage to Gaza.

Fathi Jaouadi, UK
Fathi is a British journalist, Free Gaza organizer, and delegation co-coordinator for this voyage.

Mairead Maguire, Ireland
Mairead is a Nobel laureate and renowned peace activist.

Lubna Masarwa, Palestine/Israel
Lubna is a Palestinian human rights activist and Free Gaza organizer.

Theresa McDermott, Scotland
Theresa is a solidarity worker from Scotland. She is traveling to Gaza to do long-term human rights monitoring.

Cynthia McKinney, US
Cynthia McKinney is an outspoken advocate for human rights and social justice issues, as well as a former U.S. congressperson and presidential candidate.

Adnan Mormesh, UK
Adnan is a solidarity worker from Britain. He is traveling to Gaza to do long-term human rights monitoring.

Adam Qvist, Denmark
Adam is a solidarity worker from Denmark. He is traveling to Gaza to do human rights monitoring.

Adam Shapiro, US
Adam is an American documentary film maker and human rights activist.

Kathy Sheetz, US
Kathy is a nurse and film maker, traveling to Gaza to do human rights monitoring.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mourner Shot dead at Funeral in Haiti (*graphic image*)

"UN provoke mourners, gun down the unarmed, blames the killing on the crowd of mourners at Father Jean Juste's Haiti funeral"
-- Ezili Danto

Is this the *Face of the Revolution*? Unbelievable! A man is killed on the streets of Port-au-Prince during Father Jean-Juste's funeral march. The head shot is a favorite shot of the UN occupying force in Haiti. It is used as a deterent of sorts -- want to protest the occupation or any other injustice, this could happen to you. More details on the shooting here and here.

The UN is attributing the shooting to a Haitian. This attempt to blame a Haitian among the mourners gathered at Father Jean Juste's funeral is not credible. These UN soldiers have a history in Haiti. They have committed massacres, rapes (more), murders and other crimes during their brutal occupation since the US sponsored coup of the democratically elected president (Aristide).

The MSM in the US turn deaf ears and blind eyes to Haitians suffering these kinds of indignities and injustices just miles from their unfriendly shores.

These Black voices are not heard. All eyes and ears are fixed on what is happening many thousands of miles away in Iran.

Haitians Under Constant Surveillance
This photo was taken on August 15th, 2007, across from the Presidential Palace during a demonstration calling for the safe return of Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine. These UN soldiers were among a group who were surrounding the presidential palace, photographing the demonstrators.

How many are dead from this UN occupation? Many thousands now since the US sponsored coup of Aristide in 2004. The Lancet reports over 8,000 murdered and over 35,000 raped -- but that is just the conservative estimate. Note: the US also sponsored a coup in 1991.

Once again the criminal(s) walk away free with the blood of a Haitian on their hands.
    "Why are the missiles called peace keepersWhen they're aimed to kill...Love is hateWar is peaceNo is yesAnd we're all freeBut somebody's gonna have to answerThe time is coming soonWhen the blind remove their blindersAnd the speechless speak the truth"-- Tracy Chapman
HatTip: Ezili Danto

UPDATE 06.25.09 : 6:07 pm:

Video Footage of shooting: Cue the video to 1:19 for the shot fired by the UN at the crowd level from the back of a small pickup truck.

Radio Tele Ginen Video Footage:

Find more videos like this on Radio Tele Ginen

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Edner Paul, Haitian immigrant
and MIT, Class of 2013

Photo: The Boston Globe
Edner Paul is a 16 year old from Haiti who will be entering MIT this fall on a scholarship. A Boston Globe article describes how "MIT was Paul's first choice" and "his scholarship is valued at $50,000 a year."

"He arrived in Boston barely able to speak or write in English, but Edner Paul did not allow that to stand in his way.

In his four short years in the United States, this 16-year-old whiz kid from Haiti accomplished one feat after another. He mastered the English language within months and soon after passed a rigorous admission exam to the John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science. On Friday, he will graduate as valedictorian with a full scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

His success is as much a story about new immigrants as it is a tale about the re-emergence of the O'Bryant. Paul's admission to MIT follows that of two O'Bryant graduates last year. They are the first crop of students from that school to attend MIT in recent memory, said MIT and Boston school officials."

Edner grew up in St. Marc, Haiti. He is the first from his family to finish High School. He decided at an early age to devote himself to school. Edner's mother never graduated from high school and she wanted better for Edner, so he studied very hard in order to succeed in school.

Photo: questbridge.org
Edner's profile on Questbridge (a non-profit program that links students with some of the nation's best colleges) states that "He and his family came to the United States in March 2005 with the hope of having a better life. Adjusting to a new environment has been difficult, but Edner constantly tries to expand his knowledge and has now developed a passion for poetry and tries to connect with nature in particular."

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wake and Funeral of Father Jean Juste - Photos

Gade Sa Neg D'Ayiti fè Mwen! -
Look at What Haiti's Tyrants Did To Me!

Ezili Danto has written an account of the trials of Father Jean Juste in seeking medical attention in a Miami hospital. Father Jean Juste endured cruel treatment when he was ill and dependent. It is indicative of the manner that the poor are treated in general in this world. A sad and last irony that he was not afforded the dignity to die in peace. He fought against ill treatment of the poor only to have the same treatment visited on him in his last days. Father Jean Juste first contracted Leukemia while held for seven months as a political prisoner by the US appointed de facto government of Gerard LaTortue in Haiti.
"During his last hospitalization in Miami, in January of 2009, when the hospital insisted Father Jean Juste had to give up the hospital bed and leave without the medication he couldn't afford, even though he was almost at death's door unable to breathe with a respiratory problem, these women of Veye Yo, who sat with him, took turns sleeping in the hospital to comfort him, relayed this to be close to his very last words, said with some strength before he would fall into semi-consciousness. Jean Juste, a fighter to the end, told the Miami hospital that was refusing him medical care that he could not leave without three things - he asked for a wheelchair, medication for the pain and gas for his respiratory tank. The hospital refused because they said he owed too much money already and needed to pay at least half of "perhaps more than $60,000, I am not sure but he owed a lot" recalls Veronique Fleurime of Veye Yo. No Church official was there. Father Jean Juste had been fighting for human rights and equal treatment in Miami for Haitians since before 1979 when he headed Miami's Haitian Refugee Center. Ultimately it was "Ben" from Veye Yo who would hurry and apply for Medicaid to stop Jyeri from being thrown out of the hospital without any medication while so ill. Reportedly, the hospital's social worker, charged to do this task, never put the Medicaid papers through." Read more.
The article also blasts the uneven and biased coverage by the Miami Herald of the Father's death. Ezili points out that, "For every good word they are forced to say about him, there's an awful jagged-edged pen-knife-stabbing ahead or below it. To wit: ''The jail time, the illness brought a lot of wisdom,'' Jean-Mary of Notre Dame said. ``I wish he had developed it earlier. At the same time, you have to respect his convictions. He was a fighter.'' (Miami Herald, June 7, 2009)"

The Funeral Walk and Memorial Service demanding justice for Pere Gerard Jean Juste

The Funeral Walk demanding justice for Jean Juste
June 6, 2009 during final walk, after Church memorial,
to Veye Yo behind hearse that carried Father Jean Juste's body.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange

Father Jean Juste's family mourns. An inconsolable Lavarice Gaudin,
head of Veye Yo, Father Jean Juste's grassroots Miami organization
struggling for human rights for Haitian in the US and in Haiti is seated with the family,
third from right. June 6, 2009 at Church memorial for Father Jean Juste

Photo Credit: Didi Crevecoeur

Mourners listening to service under tent outside crowded church.
June 6, 2009 at Church memorial for Father Jean Juste.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange

A mourner outside the crowded church
June 6, 2009 at Church memorial for Father Jean Juste
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
The final walk, after Church memorial, to Veye Yo behind
hearse that carried Father Jean Juste's body.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
The funeral walk. The casket that carried Father Jean Juste's body.
Photo Credit: Didi Crevecoeur
The Funeral Walk
Signs display displeasure with the Catholic Church for
its treatment of Father Gerard Jean Juste
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
Sign displays displeasure with the Catholic Church and the Haitian Oligarchy.
Placards read "Revolution is the only solution for the liberation of Haitians." "Judas betrayed Jesus, the Catholic Church with Group 184 steals, sacrificed Father Jean Juste." "Down with the collaborators and imperialists for liberation"
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
The Funeral Walk
Father Reginald, far right, (holding the arm of a parishioner) gave the only
memorable Church sermon during the wake, on Friday, June 5, 2009, about the hypocrisy of those who persecuted Father Jean Juste, yet now can't rush to the frontlines fast enough to praise him at his funeral in order to leverage his reputation in the community for their own political capital.

Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
The Funeral Walk in traditional Haitian Karabela dress
with a button on her headress for Jean Juste.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
Crowd is watching funeral on-screen outside Church, some in traditional
Karabela Haitian dress proclaiming Father Jean Juste a Haitian Hero.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange

A Haitian woman in traditional karabela Haitian dress
with a Zaka hat waiving the Haitian flag, remembering Father Jean Juste.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange

Wall Memorial
Mesi Anpil - Thank you much
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
The Funeral Walk - Sign displays displeasure with
President Preval and with the Coup D'etat folks of Haiti
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange

Sign accuse Coup D'etat folks in death of Father Jean Juste -
Andre Apaid, Charles Baker, Lilliane Pierre Paul, Herve St. Hilus and de facto Culture Minister, Magalie Comeau-Denis whose false accusations imprisoned Jean Juste and who, speaking during the funeral for Jacques Roche, wrongly pretended Jean Juste had something to do with Roche's death, going as far as to call Jean-Juste "a symbol of the reign of violence in Haiti."
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange

Placards accuse Coup D'etat folks/Group 184 and
Church of crucifying Father Jean Juste.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
Katherine Kean, documentary filmmaker, owner of the
Tap Tap Haitian Restaurant in Miami and Crowing Rooster Arts.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
Gathering at Veye Yo
June 6, 2009 the gathering at Veye Yo, Father Jean Juste's
grassroots organization on 54th Street.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange

Gathering at Veye Yo
June 6, 2009 the gathering at Veye Yo, Father Jean Juste's
grassroots organization on 54th Street.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
Veye Yo's - Farah Juste, Lucie Tondreau, Lavarice Gaudin - address the crowd
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
Veye Yo. June 6, 2009 memorial procession gathers
at Veye Yo on 54 Street, Miami, Florida.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
Veye Yo. June 6, 2009 memorial procession gathers
at Veye Yo on 54 Street, Miami, Florida.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange
A final farewell at Veye Yo
June 6, 2009 memorial procession's gathering at Veye Yo,
Father Jean Juste's grassroots organization on 54th Street.
Photo Credit: Norluck Dorange