Sunday, January 31, 2010

Haitians need Emergency Relief, not Military Occupation

us military at national palace haitiBy Ezili Danto, Jan. 19, 2010 | The Progressive

As a grief-stricken, shattered Haitian who lost loved ones in the earthquake, I want the U.S. military invasion of Haiti to stop now.

Soldiers are trained to kill, not provide humanitarian relief. And the U.S. military is about domination and conquest, as Haitians know too well.

We lived through a brutal U.S. military occupation from 1915 to 1934. We endured the U.S.-supported Duvalier dictatorships that followed. We saw the hands of the U.S. government in the regime changes of 1991 and 2004 that forced President Aristide from office.

The strong-arm tactics of the U.S. are on display again. Soldiers took over the airport the day after they arrived, over the objections of the Haitians working in the damaged control tower, who were pushed aside like trash.

The U.S. military is using the airport for important things, don’t you see? Those buried under the rubble — more than 300,000 homeless Haitians who have not eaten or found clean water to drink when the mountains crumbled on them — can wait.

First, the Americans, Canadians, and Europeans who have been stuck in Haiti for two interminable days must be rescued immediately. Haitians, with nowhere to go, can wait.

The United States has blocked life-saving first responders from landing, including Haitian doctors and nurses and other rescue teams. It is exploiting this disaster to direct Haiti’s priorities and impose its own agenda.

Right now you need U.S. government clearance to land in Haiti. This is not independence. This is not self-rule.

Haitians are heartbroken and in unspeakable pain. But we are not idiots or under so much duress as to not object to the United States, Canada and France speeding up their proxy U.N. occupation plans for taking Haitian lands and divvying up Haiti’s oil, gold, iridium and other mineral resources behind the veil of this emergency relief. The earthquake’s depopulation of the coastal areas of Port au Prince may make that acquisition all the easier.

Haiti needs 12,000 doctors, Obama sent 12,000 troops to help us to death.

Haiti is not in conflict or at war with anyone. Haitians are not a violent people. In fact, there's more violence in Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, even in the United States than there is in Haiti. The violence rate in the United States is 5.7 per 100,000. The violence rate in Haiti is 5.6 per 100,000. Those are the facts.

And as much as the U.S media and the Pentagon wanted footage of U.S. soldiers rescuing Haitians, the people that could get saved got saved mostly by Haitians frantically using their bare hands to dig through the rubble and lift pulverized concrete in the immediate 48 hours after the earthquake. They did what they could to save themselves, as they have been doing since 1503 when the white settlers' "New World" began.

Go home, U.S. troops. Please. While 70,000 unidentified Haitians lie buried in mass graves and the count may top 200,000 killed, the people who could have been saved under the rubble and metal have mostly died. Now it's about medical relief, healing and rebuilding. Haitians can do that by themselves with the help of the world that wants to send monies to Haiti for the earthquake victims. We don’t need the Pentagon.

Let the 4 million Haitians in the diaspora take care of their own in solidarity with individuals of goodwill, from all the races and nations, who will work directly with the Haitian government and us, the people of Haiti.

Our time for change has come. Let’s work together to help the earthquake victims but with dignity and human rights and without the pain and menace of pointing military guns in shattered faces, weary souls.

There’s an old Haitian proverb: “When you’re playing with a wolf, you must expect to be scratched in the face.”

We’ve been scratched too often. Our wounds are too raw right now. We can’t play anymore with your wolves in sheep's clothing.

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Little Magic in Haiti - Muncheez Eatery Feeds 100s Free

A restaurant on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince is taking up the slack left by still-incomplete relief efforts and feeding 1,000 hungry and homeless Haitians a day—for free. Before the earthquake, Muncheez was a pizza joint too expensive for most people in the area. But after the quake, its owner realized all his supplies would soon spoil. “So instead of losing the food,” he tells NPR, “we said let's cook the food and give it away.”

ti-regi: muncheez food drive
TI-REGI says: he doesn't want TALK, he wants ACTION
like what is being done by Muncheez
"ke moun'n yo fè sa yap fè pou nou a."

"Muncheez is giving away free food to the people of Petion-Ville ...
we encourage everyone who can to do the same.
Send us what you can @ Mucheez in petion-ville, food, beverage etc ...
Need to feed as many for as long as we can ...
show some positive, give hope, love, show compassion...


Visit the Muncheez Food Drive Haiti Facebook page for more info and to view more photos.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Haiti Suddenly and Conveniently has Oil, Black Gold!

Ezili Danto of The Haitian Lawyer's Leadership (HLLN) regarding news about the "discovery" of oil in Haiti. See her statement below.

My question: Have Haiti's saviors been "saving" Haiti for themselves?


And the cover-up starts!

Did mining and oil drilling trigger the Haiti earthquake?

For years, HLLN has been pointing to the Lavalas' white book detailing Haiti's resources as part of the reason for oustering President Aristide and putting in Haitian puppets to empire. Now that 20,000 US troops are in Haiti behind the pretext of humanitarian aid... by the way there's oil and gas in Haiti! Never mind that stealth offshore and on-land drilling may have disturbed the fault line, those Haitians are black idiots anyway. Just yesterday I was called CRAZY for saying Haiti had oil and substantial mineral resources. But today, today, if the white man says it, it must be true! Here is the empire's latest spin:

Haiti earthquake may have exposed gas, aiding economy
Posted on Tuesday, 01.26.10 | BY JIM POLSON / Bloomberg News


Has the day wore on, more links re: the Haiti "discovery," though most of the media seems to be studiously ignoring the story -- which is typical:

Haiti's Earthquake May Have Revealed Oil Resources |

Haitian Earthquake May Lead To Discovery Of Oil And Gas | News One

More HLLN recommended links:
Energy and Mining in Haiti: The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind

Oil in Haiti and Oil Refinery - an old notion for Fort Liberte as a transshipment terminal for US supertankers

"Located in the North-Eastern part of Haiti and abounding with tourist sites, Fort-Liberté is a city where the first declaration of Haiti's independence took place on November 29, 1803. It has one of the most captivating historical sites in the area called Fort Dauphin known today as Fort-Liberté. This fort was built around 1731 under the command of Louis XV, king of France, and its ruins are the greatest evidences of its genius designers who chose the most strategic point to built it in order to fight off upcoming invaders.

In addition to its architectural charm, it overlooks a splendid bay of turquoise seawater, which sparkles under the bright rays of the tropical sun."

This story is going to get bigger. These "news" articles are just the tip of the iceberg and developments are well worth watching.

Apparently, the earthquake was a "game changer" in more ways than one. It left the "donor nations" in complete control of Haiti with the US calling the shots. And now that oil has been conveniently "discovered." Questions have to be asked -- like, what plans do the people wielding the control over Haiti's affairs and resources have? Is the puppet government going to protect the people's interest? They haven't so far.

In the news following the earthquake, it is significant that there was "a Belgian citizen working as a consular for president Préval" before the earthquake. He was Philippe Dewez, a former IDB Representative in Haiti. That the IDB is allowed to conduct business in Haiti after being accused of human rights violations is enough, but there is a reason why President Obama doesn't have a foreign consular "advising" him -- the US is a sovereign nation.Observers who have labeled Rene Preval a puppet and his "selection" after the coup an appeasement, may have good reason for their assessment.

Another question: now that the "game" is all but won, who if anyone, will be protecting Haiti's environment and people from exploitation and from the multi-national powers who are lined up tot rob Haiti blind? Haiti it is useful to note, can be used by the US as a springboard for any invasion of Cuba -- only 60 miles off of Haiti's northern coast.

HLLN on oil in Haiti
HLLN on Haiti's mineral wealth
HLLN on the causes of Haiti deforestation and poverty

It's a centuries old story of exploitation, invasion and destabalization. It all started with Haiti's first government. The revolutionary government of General Jean Jacques Dessalines. The leader who won the Haitian Revolution (Why is Toussaint L'Ouverture the only perenial Haitian leader in the colonial narrative?) and declared Haiti to no longer be a country of enslaved people, but a free and sovereign country. He was assassinated primarily because he did not want a bourgeois democracy. He wanted universal freedom, where the assets of the country would be equally divided with the people of the country.

Dessalines' dream had to be destroyed because Haiti's people and resources could not be exploited with that kind of goverment policy in place. Successive governments in Haiti through the centuries struggled with an unstable economy (historians credit the extortion demanded by France for Haiti's loss as largely contributing to Haiti's poverty and underdevelopment), so Haiti's riches could be indiscriminately exploited by the greedy and morally bankrupt elite and multi-national corporations.

Let's get that straight: Haitians have had to struggle and lose their sovereignty over and over again because of the wrath and greed of the international community and their alliances with Black collaborators, rich Arab emigres and others of the business class who established an oligarchy where the rich business people could flourish at the expense of the majority hard-working, tax-paying poor paysans. In Haiti the caste system is brutal. It is written into law. It gives the rich the power to lord it over the poor in a demeaning and immoral classist system.

HLLN has made it their mission to debunk the colonial narrative about Haiti and their work is stellar and well documented. Check out the website at During the earthquake catastrophe, HLLN advocated for conscious emergency relief with human rights and dignity by gathering information on and collaborating with those organizations which emphasized self-reliance and self-sufficiency as the only way to break the old neocolonial paradigm.

Please make a donation, if you can in support of HLLN's work.

Background info on HLLN's Haiti work and research:Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation
Haiti is full of oil say Daniel & Ginette Mathurin: Haiti has larger oil reserves than Venezuela says scientists.
Answers to media questions about Haiti Haiti's Riches: Interview with Ezili Dantò on Mining in Haiti

Full disclosure: Marguerite/Ezili Danto is my sister, but don't let that deter you--she does fantastic work!
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And the cover-up starts!

Did mining and oil drilling trigger the Haiti earthquake?

For years, HLLN has been pointing to the Lavalas' white book detailing Haiti's resources as part of the reason for oustering President Aristide and putting in Haitian puppets to empire. Now that 20,000 US troops are in Haiti behind the pretext of humanitarian aid... by the way there's oil and gas in Haiti! Never mind that stealth offshore and on-land drilling may have disturbed the fault line, those Haitians are black idiots anyway. Just yesterday I was called CRAZY for saying Haiti had oil and substantial mineral resources. But today, today, if the white man says it, it must be true! Here is the empire's latest spin:

Haiti earthquake may have exposed gas, aiding economy

BY JIM POLSON / Bloomberg News

The earthquake in Haiti this month may have left clues to petroleum reservoirs that could aid economic recovery in the Western Hemisphere's poorest nation, a geologist said.

The Jan. 12 earthquake was on a fault line that passes near potential gas reserves, said Stephen Pierce, a geologist who worked in the region for 30 years for companies that included including he former Mobil Corp. The quake may have cracked rock formations along the fault, allowing gas or oil to temporarily seep toward the surface, he said Monday in a telephone interview.

``A geologist, callous as it may seem, tracing that fault zone from Port-au-Prince to the border looking for gas and oil seeps, may find a structure that hasn't been drilled,'' said Pierce, exploration manager at Zion Oil & Gas Inc., a Dallas-based company that's drilling in Israel. ``A discovery could significantly improve the country's economy and stimulate further exploration.''

Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive met Tuesday in Montreal with diplomats, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to discuss redevelopment initiatives. Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said wind power may play a role in rebuilding the Caribbean nation, where forests have been denuded for lack of fuel, the Canadian Press reported.

``Haiti, from the standpoint of oil and gas exploration, is a lot less developed than the Dominican Republic,'' Pierce said. ``One could do a lot more work there.''

``One of the main reasons for the dearth of information on reserves in Haiti is that the Dominican Republic has numerous surface-hydrocarbon seeps while Haiti had very, very few,'' he said.
Abraham Lincoln's consul to the Dominican Republic reported oil seeps there in 1862. Neither nation produces oil or gas. As much as 1 trillion cubic feet of gas may be trapped in a border formation near the earthquake fault, Pierce said.

Pierce hasn't worked in Hispaniola since joining Zion in February 2005. He said he's unaware of any petroleum geologists conducting fieldwork in Haiti. There has been exploration of Ocoa Bay, the largest potential oil deposit in the Dominican Republic, he said.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Did mining and oil drilling trigger the Haiti earthquake?

Did the mining of Haiti's riches since 2004 GW Bush regime change cause the earthquake? Listen to Ezili Dantò on mining Haiti's riches and concern for environmental degradation by the foreign companies. (Read the transcript with reference links.)
"The idea that human activity can cause seismic activity is widely accepted in the scientific community ...the connection between oil production and earthquakes dates back to at least the 1920s, when geologists in South Texas noted faulting near the Goose Creek oil field...A 1967 human-triggered earthquake in western India linked to the Koyna Dam registered a 7.0 earthquake."
Since the earthquake, I've had occasion to ponder, like many others, about what may have caused this heretofore-unknown natural disaster in Haiti? Was it a natural occurrence or man-made? Haiti has not had an earthquake in 270 years. Why now? The nation of Haiti is only 206 years old, so Haitians have no experience with earthquakes whatsoever. Did not know that for an earthquake you run away from the house. So, when the trembling started they did the worst possible thing - ran into their houses as they are used to, for protection, with hurricanes. The houses all collapsed on them.

The devastation is heartwrenching. 200,000 dead in the capital alone, devastation in the South also, in Leogane, Les Cayes, Jacmel. In Port Au Prince everything collapsed, 400,000 to be relocated, millions homeless, untold numbers with amputated limbs, hundreds of thousands right now dying without access to water, food, shelter and medical treatment.

Since the 2004 Bush regime change, Ezili's HLLN has been concerned about the digging up of Haiti without any regards to environmental degradation.

In an April 29, 2009 interview with Chris Scott of CKUT (90.3 FM) in Montreal, entitled Haiti's Riches: Interview with Ezili Dantò on Mining in Haiti, I expressed concerned that under the UN occupation which made the Haitian goverment a puppet government, Haitian lives and welfare were not priorities just corporate exploitation of Haiti's resources and cheap labor. Haiti's emergency civil preparedness agency was destroyed during the Bush regime change and never rebuilt. (See, Earthquake in Haiti: Under Aristide, Haitians were prepared for disaster.) We've had severe hurricanes in 2004, 2005 and then the four back-to-back hurricanes of 2008. The people's living conditions has not improved in the 6-years the U.S., France and Canada have controlled Haiti through the U.N. proxy occupation. In fact, with clorox hunger, food riots, no money to send children to school, high food and fuel prices, no development, things had gotten much worse since the coup against President Aristide. The people were simply slowly dying as UN Special Envoy Bill Clinton waxed on about the "good business climate" in Haiti prior to the earthquake. They died and there was no rebuilding of the institutions the Bush coup d'etat had helped destroy. But there were 9,000 UN troops in Haiti -- doing what?

In the Mining Haiti's Riches interview, I recount how there were areas in Haiti hidden behind UN guns, fenced off where Haitians knew nothing about what these soldiers were doing.
Then the earthquake hit. What remains is unimaginable. The rescue and recovery process was and is inhumane. The relief from pain and hunger is still not in place. And, as I think about the process of rebuilding, I started checking whether digging for gold, iridium, copper, uranium, coal, marble, diamonds, oil and gas could trigger an earthquake. And the answer I found sent chills up my spine. Made me sick to my stomach. Can this really be?

From what I've read, drilling deep into the earth, digging and mining may trigger earthquakes.
And, drilling either for fossil fuels or renewable energy exploration may cause earthquakes. Both geophysicists and oilmen agree that natural-gas drilling trigger earthquakes. One oilman stated that "there is not the slightest doubt" that gas production caused the temblors." (See, At Fault: Does Drilling Cause Earthquakes?).

A New York Times report confirmed drilling for oil sets off earthquakes and detailed how a drilling project near San Francisco and a similar project in Basel, Switzerland were shut down over concerns they triggered damaging earthquakes. Both diggings involved fracturing hard rock more than two miles deep.
...large earthquakes tend to originate at great depths, breaking rock that far down carries more serious risk, seismologists say. Seismologists have long known that human activities can trigger quakes, but they say the science is not developed enough to say for certain what will or will not set off a major temblor. (Geothermal energy and Quake Threat Leads Swiss to Close Geothermal Project.)
Haitians have been under occupation by the US through the proxy UN mission since the 2004 Bush regime change/coup d'etat.

Before the earthquake, Rene Preval, the president of Haiti answered to Washington not the people of Haiti. I've written extensively about this and that information is readily available. The mining in Haiti and the digging up of Haiti was going on without any oversight. (See, Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind and, Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation and Oil in Haiti by Dr. Georges Michel; See also, Fayed's Forgotten Years: The Conman, The Dictator and the CIA Files.)

Since the earthquake hit, it's been clear that the power-brokers who control the US military, the free marketeers, are exploiting this Haiti earthquake shock, when the Haitian people are hurt, in pain, disorientated and horrifically more defenseless than usual, to impose their privatization and further entrench their corporate domination in Haiti. (Haiti Disaster Capitalism Alert: Stop Them Before They Shock Again.)

I know some folks are saying there are sophisticated equipment ( HAARP and Tesla) that are used to deliberately set off weather anomalies such as earthquakes, but I'm wondering whether the drilling, possibly for oil and gas in Haiti behind the UN guns - offshore at the Gulf of La Gonave and at the Island of La Gonave and around the bay of Port-au-Prince fairly near the epicenter of the earthquake - exacerbated the fault line in Haiti, causing the January 12, 2010 Haiti earthquake as an unattended consequence? (At Fault: Does Drilling Cause Earthquakes? See also, the map showing where the oil sites of Haiti are located.)
Scientists Ginette and Daniel Mathurin say that Haiti is filled with hydrocarbons and that they have identified 20 oil sites in Haiti. Five of them are considered of great importance by specialists and politicians. There's oil in Haiti's Central Plateau, including the region of Thomonde, the plain of the cul-de-sac and the bay of Port-au-Prince, they say. In fact, Daniel Mathurin says that "the oil reserves of Haiti are more important than those of Venezuela. An olympic pool compared to a glass of water that is the comparison to illustrate the importance of Haitian oil compared with those of Venezuela," he explains...The specialists contend that the government of Jean Claude Duvalier had verified the existence of a major oil field in the Bay of Port-au-Prince shortly before his downfall. (See, Haiti is full of oil say Ginette and Daniel Mathurin: Haiti has larger oil reserves than Venezuela says scientists, [French Original], Radio Metropole, Jan 28, 2008.)
And if, as the oilman said, there's not the "slightest doubt natural-gas drilling causes earthquakes" and there was drilling in addition to the mining of gold, copper, coal, uranium and iridium, stealthy going on behind the UN guns, then the question becomes, which of the coup detat countries - US, France, Canada - using the UN proxy occupation to drill for oil, gas and to dig for gold, iridium, marble, granite, et al, helped cause the earthquake?"

Was that the reason for the US delay in getting to the survivors?
Was there more pressing concerns of cover-up to attend to, before the modern world and the all-seeing cameras headed to Haiti, got to Haiti? What were the thousands upon thousands of UN soldiers, from the 9,000 in Haiti, posted outside of Port-au-Prince doing that they did not appear on the scene to help with the rescue? Where were they?

These soldiers get paid and tell all and sundry they are in Haiti to "help" Haitians and have been paid billions of dollars in five years, over $600 million per year for the "help." Where was this help?

We seem to always be "helped" to death while the private sector uses the military to secure profit. Isn't everyone thinking about this? We are watching earthquake survivors die, as the US tells the world that its priority after the earthquake is security. Whose security? (See, Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation; and Haiti is full of oil say Daniel & Ginette Mathurin: Haiti has larger oil reserves than Venezuela says scientists.)

A map showing the mining resources in Haiti shows five oil/gas sites in Haiti. Notice how most of the Haiti oil is located at and around the waters, land, and on the island and shores of the Gulf of La Gonave, Port au Prince where there was drilling before the earthquake? Recently the President of France asked Haiti for a long-term lease to the Island of La Gonave. Moreover, it was at a secret meeting in Ottawa, in 2003, that foreign officials from the OAS, France, Canada and the United States initiated the planning for the military ouster of democratically elected Haiti President, Jean Bertrand Aristide.

Since the regime change, the UN has been warehousing young Haitian men and moving them, through criminalization and indefinite detention in prison for years, out of the area in Site Soley where access to oil deposit are noted on the map below. ( Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti.)

The idea that human activity can cause seismic activity is widely accepted in the scientific community ...the connection between oil production and earthquakes dates back to at least the 1920s, when geologists in South Texas noted faulting near the Goose Creek oil field...A 1967 human-triggered earthquake in western India linked to the Koyna Dam registered a 7.0 earthquake.
Disaster capitalism is under way. For, it seems clear, since the earthquake, that Haitian life is not as valuable as securing the corporatocracy, foreign life and interest in Haiti's soil and mineral resources. A pharmaceutical company was even excavating a microbe discovered in Haitian soil that would be used to develop a super-antibiotic drug. Up in the North and in the Central Plateau, with the price of gold doubling and fuel skyrocketing in the last five years, the Canadians, US and others were digging deep into the Haitian mountains for gold, copper, granite, chalk, coal, limestone/aggregate quarries and mining Haiti lignite/coal and building power plants and dams to service their greedy excavations. (See, Digging up Haiti.)

No one knows how many Haitian earthquake victims - already exploited, denied the profits from their own country's mineral riches, summarily disenfranchised through regime change and impoverished by horrid Western cruelty - could have lived or been rescued from under the rubble if emergency first responders - airplane loads of them, filled with doctors, field hospitals, water, food, medical supplies, were not turned back and prevented by the US from landing. We know people died unnecessarily and are still dying.

It seems that what the US is doing is securing the land for itself, preferably without the presence of black Haitians. (Travesty in Haiti - False aid, false charity, false orphanages, false benevolence and The Slavery in Haiti the Media Won't Expose.)

The land is more valuable than the human beings suffering and dying so horribly. Haiti, with 27,560 sq km of land mass, is the 3rd largest nation in the Caribbean. Haiti is a big country for the Caribbean. In a power-point presentation to attract "smart, optimistic business partners and investors," one of the mining companies currently digging quarries in Haiti, wrote:
Haitian quarries can...
Dominate this industry in northern Caribbean
Provide a springboard to Cuba when timing is right
Most promising quarry areas in Cuba"
"are on SE coast, adjacent to NW Haiti
Haiti is built of...
High-grade limestone, still rising from the Caribbean seafloor
Plus other important rock types
"old African' crustal rock, like Colorado Rockies
later volcanic rocks, basalts and granites
in great demand for US and Caribbean engineering projects

"Remarkably Pure"
Famous American geologist Wendell Woodring, USGS
surveyed Haiti in 1923-24 on foot and with donkeys
wrote most authoritative study to date on geology of Haiti
described certain Haitian limestone as "remarkably pure."
Sent lignite samples to US for testing

Basic industrial commodity
Construction aggregates
Cement production
Industrial and agricultural minerals
Virtually inelastic demand, even during recessions
Demand is function of population: ~9 tons/person/year in USA (according to USGS)
Steady increase due to new industrial, agricultural, medical uses
China growth affecting all commodities markets; commodities prices rising
Important for infrastructure development in Haiti and elsewhere in Caribbean
Haiti has formidable advantages:

Proximity to dynamic markets
Hard-working, tenacious people anxious for jobs
Special US legal and tax considerations under CBERA/CBI, new HERO act

Haiti: 38% more coastline than Dominican Republic
Haiti has 1,771 km of coastline vs. DR's 1,288 *

Haiti's 2nd most important resource: Location
Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, DR, Cayman Islands, Lesser Antilles
Cuba in a few more years?
Most comparable US location: Chicago

False Stereotype 1: "tiny island nation'
Reality: Haiti, with 27,560 sq km of land mass, is 3rd largest nation in the Caribbean

Haiti: Big Country for the Caribbean

La Selle massif rises 2700 meters above sea level Port-au-Prince
(almost 9000 feet)
Compares to 14,300 ft Mt. Evans above "mile-high' Denver
(~ 9000 ft)

False Stereotype 2: "Haiti is so overcrowded'
Reality: Low population density compared to her crowded neighbors
Large rural areas are virtually unpopulated "Haitian Outback'
Neither barren nor lifeless as hysterical news stories claim!

False Stereotype 3: "Haiti has no resources'
Truth: Important natural resources are largely undeveloped:

Facts: Haiti has better long-term prospects than much of the West Indies"
where over-dependence on tourism limits opportunity
Strong opportunities for diversified natural resource development"
"and modern, environmentally sound, industrialization
Local value-add, e.g. precast & prestress concrete
Agro-chemicals and industrial minerals manufacture. (See, Matraco-Colorado Haiti Venture -A Power-Point Presentation.)
In fact, before the earthquake, the former president of the Dominican Petroleum Refinery (REFIDOMSA), Leopoldo Espaillat Nanita, even said, "there is a multinational conspiracy to illegally take the mineral resources of the Haitian people. In addition, there are more charitable organizations in Haiti - over 10,000 NGOs - than practically anywhere else in the world. But the people are poorer and more abused than before the democratically elected government was removed and these organizations landed to benefit from the US invasion. (See, Haiti's riches, Haiti's Oligarchy and Travesty in Haiti - False aid, false charity, false orphanages, false benevolence.)

Since the 2004 US/UN, Canada, France occupation, drug-trafficking, human trafficking, indefinite detentions without charge, trial or hearing; rape of Haitian women and children by soldiers, charity workers and pedophile priest were running rampant. Much more so than when Haiti had a democratically elected government.

With the earthquake, while there is a huge, huge outpouring of help from wonderful human beings from all over the world, we've still gotten reports that these predators have not stopped their masturbating on Black pain. Since the earthquake Haiti children are disappearing, more so than before in UN occupied Haiti where they routinely got raped, abused and/or molested by either charity workers or UN soldiers. For, child traffickers activated immediately to take advantage of the earthquake chaos. There's a report that fifteen children simply disappeared from a hospital. There's no prioritizing security for fragile and wounded Haitian children.

But the US military is busy landing at the airport, deploying its power to the hotels, and places where the wealthier live. The UN troops are busy going to banks to secure the bags of money underneath the rubble. (See Soledad Obrien's CNN report.)

Ezili's HLLN was practically the lone international voice clamoring for the world to look beyond the racist mainstream headlines that Haiti was poor because its people were innately violent and corrupt. The myth of "the violent Haitians" causes death, depravation and sets the stage for perennial Haiti exploitation. CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta reported, for instance, that a group of Belgian doctors simply left their critically ill earthquake patients in the hospital alone because the authorities feared rumors of riots.
Earthquake victims, writhing in pain and grasping at life, watched doctors and nurses walk away from a field hospital Friday night after a Belgian medical team evacuated the area, saying it was concerned about security. (See, Security concerns cause doctors to leave hospital, quake victims.)
We know the digging of Haiti's mountains that is going on in the North of Haiti, if not the drilling for oil and gas we suspect that is also happening, may have triggered this massive holocaust in Haiti. But the US has no remorse. France and Canada have no accountability for orchestrating the regime change that disenfranchised Haiti's people in order to plunder Haiti. No.

Rumor has it, as the capital area is being depopulated, as the people suffer and die, France, US and Canada are haggling over divvying up "zones of protection" so they can help Haitians some more.
Canada wants the North of Haiti. The US wants Port-au-Prince and the Island of La Gonave and is willing to give France something, how about Jacmel in the South? It's artistic. France ain't hearing it. France wants the oil and gas rich Island of La Gonave. The tussle even made it on the public stage because since France isn't getting the part of Haiti it wants, it openly accused the US of occupying Haiti. Something must have been resolved because France soon retracted. China, the sleeping giant with UN veto power, is a problem for all of them, because it wants to know, what is its share? Meanwhile Haitians continue to be helped to suffer and die to accommodate.
Ezili Dantò of HLLN
January, 2010
For 500 years the whites (settlers/colonists) have tried to erase us. Today they want us to believe they're the only ones who can save us" --- Edike from Daniel 'Dadi' Beaubrun's Lataye (buy album)

Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind
Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation

Oil in Haiti by Dr. Georges Michel

See also, Fayed's Forgotten Years: The Conman, The Dictator and the CIA Files

- Haiti is full of oil, say Ginette and Daniel Mathurin, [French Original], Radio Metropole, Jan 28, 2008

Why Bill Clinton as UN Envoy, the UN occupation and another reasons for being in Haiti: Deep Water Ports -(Daulphin Dunn)

Haiti's Riches

Haiti Riches: Listen to CKUT Interview (in English - 34:03) with Ezili Dantò on Mining of Haiti Resources and Riches by Chris Scott for CKUT (90.3 FM) in Montreal, April 29, 2009

Haiti Riches: Lakounewyork (Kreyòl) Interview with Ezili Dantò on environmental degradation concerns of gold/copper mining in Haiti, May 6, 2009

Haiti's Oligarchy

- A map of some of Haiti's mining resources

- Gilbert Bigio's new oil/gas contract with Chevron for Haiti - Chevron to Sell Fuels Marketing Businesses in Haiti, 02 Jun 2, 2009

- Digicel Haiti Celebrates Third Anniversary With 2.1 Million Customers, May 5, 2009
-Gold and copper exploration in Haiti, April 29, 2009
- Majescor to Acquire Interest in a Strategic Gold-Copper Property in Haiti, April 23, 2009

-Canadian company to explore for gold in Haiti
- Eurasian Minerals Discovers Two New High-Grade Copper-Silver-Gold Prospects at Treuil Property, Haiti, April 22, 2009
- Eurasian Minerals Inc. Acquires Grand Bois Gold Deposit Property, Haiti, Jan. 26, 2009
- Eurasian Minerals Inc. Acquires 27 Exploration Licenses in Haiti and the
Historic Meme Copper-Gold Mine, Dec 17, 2008
- Haiti is full of oil, say Ginette and Daniel Mathurin, [French Original], Radio Metropole, Jan 28, 2008
Expose the lies about Haiti, its people, culture, Vodun spirituality and unique resources
1. Stealing Haiti's Gold, Copper and Uranium under cover of regime change - The Exploitation of Gold and Copper in Trou Du Nord

-Gold and Copper Exploitation Resumes in the North and Northeast Departments of Haiti

- Eurasian Minerals Acquires Two Gold Projects in Haiti

- Haiti's Future Glitters with Gold

2. Plundering Haiti's Under Water Treasures

Preval Government in Haiti denounces Heritage Looting

Authorities in Florida are opening an investigation into the origins of emeralds stolen from an interim Haitian dignitary's home

Robbing Haiti blind: pillage and plunder - Iles-à-Vaches: Bronze Cannons, gold and emerald pieces stolen
Microbe discovered in Haitian soil may develop super-antibiotic drug
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Friday, January 22, 2010

Haiti Security Hype Hampers Aid & IMF Says $100 Mil Grant Not Loan

haiti children streets
Port-au-Prince, 18 Jan 2010 – Cecile Modvar of Unicef speaks with children living in a tent camp in a public square. This makeshift tent was set up on the place du Canapé Vert.

Talk about shock and awe. In what is being termed a "breakthrough," yesterday, the IMF announced that Haiti would not be forced to take a loan out for rebuilding. The new $100 million dollar debt the IMF gave to Haiti for reconstruction will be canceled.

Haiti is still grappling with loans that it will realistically never be able to pay back in light of the catastrophic earthquake of January 12, 2009. However, a group of countries called the Paris Club (Interesting name. Wonder why they chose that? Oh, right, they meet each month in Paris), namely, Canada, France, Italy and the United States, have urged Haiti's creditors to cancel the debt.

"The Paris Club said that last July its members canceled all their claims on Haiti, at that time totaling $214 million."“Considering the financing needs that Haiti will face in reconstructing the country, Paris Club creditors call upon other bilateral creditors also to urgently provide full debt cancellation to Haiti,”

In the same NY Times article quoted above, there was a very disturbing quote from Greg Barrows a spokesman for the World Food Program, explaining why aid has been hampered from getting to Haitians in need:

He said diesel fuel was being shipped in from neighboring Dominican Republic by road and the convoys required a security escort.

Because of the lack of security in Port-au-Prince, he said, “we had to scale back some distributions, not because we weren’t able to reach the people but because we didn’t have security.”

Conversely, folks on the ground are reporting that they have not witnessed any undue cause for concern over security issues.

Since we arrived in Port au Prince everyone has told us that you cannot go into the area around the palace because of violence and insecurity. I was in awe as we walked into downtown, among the flattened buildings, in the shadow of the fallen palace, amongst the swarms of displaced people there was calm and solidarity. We wound our way through the camp asking for injured people who needed to get to the hospital. Despite everyone telling us that as soon as we did this we would be mobbed by people, I was amazed as we approached each tent people gently pointed us towards their neighbors, guiding us to those who were suffering the most.

Also, from the UK Independent, Andy Kershaw: Stop treating these people like savages:

(The runways, incidentally, at this allegedly grid-locked airport were, during Snow's broadcasts, disturbed by just one aircraft. The US military, now running the control tower, says there is no room to park more planes. Over Snow's shoulder, one could see acre upon acre of empty airport outfield.)

The alarmingly unanimous priorities of the spokesmen and women of aid organisations and the military, have been with "issues" (for they love that word) of "security", "procedures", and "logistics" (what we used to call "transport" or "trucks"). These obsessions indicate not only a self-serving and self-important careerist culture among some, though not all, aid workers (although wide experience of the profession in Haiti and across Africa tells me it is more common than donors would like to think), but that the magnitude of the crisis has paralysed them into a gibbering strike force of box-tickers. Most worryingly, it reveals that many – even selfless – NGO workers on the ground haven't a clue about the country and its people.

There has now solidified a consensus among aid organisations that the relief they are bringing is itself a liability; that distributing what Haitians are dying for – literally – will bring on a second nightmare. So, supplies pile up at the airport because, apparently, the Haitians need to be fed and watered at gunpoint. And there aren't enough men with guns to provide this totemic "security" and there aren't enough trucks to move the supplies around the country. (Haiti is always absolutely full of trucks. The first relief priority ought to be fuel for those convoys, to deliver the water, medicines and food. In that order).

It is very good that Haiti is getting unprecedented support, but it is very sad that the people are dying for lack of medical help in great numbers. The death toll after the quake may exceed the death toll from the earthquake itself.

Fortunately there is a light at the end of the tunnel for Haiti. After pressure from around the globe, the IMF announced yesterday that it will not be lending $100 million to Haiti for reconstruction. The IMF is making the $100 mil. a grant to Haiti.

In June 2009, the World Bank, IMF, and IDB canceled $1.2 billion of Haiti's debt. This amounted to a huge portion of Haiti's debt, but Haiti still owed about $891 million dollars. Most of the debt is owed to the IDB ($429 million), IMF ($165 million) and the World Bank ($38 million).

The head of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn was interviewed in Hong Kong for his reaction to the catastrophe.

“My belief is that Haiti— which has been incredibly hit by different things—the food and fuel prices crisis, then the hurricane, then the earthquake—needs something that is big. Not only a piecemeal approach, but something which is much bigger to deal with the reconstruction of the country: some kind of a Marshall Plan that we need now to implement for Haiti.

...“The most important thing is that the IMF is now working with all donors to try to delete all the Haitian debt, including our new loan. If we succeed—and I'm sure we will succeed—even this loan will turn out to be finally a grant, because all the debt will have been deleted. And that's the very important thing for Haiti now,” the Managing Director added.”
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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Aristide Haiti Return- Clinton, Bush & Obama of One Mindset

clinton bush obama haiti relief announcement
President Obama formally announces that he is appointing former
Presidents George W. Bush & Bill Clinton to head Haiti relief fund-raising efforts.

Multiple media outlets are reporting that Jean Bertrand Aristide, who was ousted in 2004 in what he called a, "modern-day kidnapping in the service of a coup d’etat backed by the United States" is planning to return to Haiti.

"Aristide, who has been living in exile in South Africa with his family, announced his offer to return to Haiti in Johannesburg yesterday, according to international media outlets.

’As far as we are concerned, we are ready to leave today, tomorrow, at any time to join the people of Haiti, to share in their suffering, help rebuild the country, moving from misery to poverty with dignity,’ Aristide said."

In light of these reports, I thought I would share my thoughts on an article from the BBC website entitled, "The long history of troubled ties between Haiti and the US" by Vanessa Buschschluter.

At first, the piece lays out a largely truthful history of Haiti/US relations, but later descends into half-truths and outright propaganda. I have composed rebuttals to the ones that I found especially objectionable:
"The ousting of President Aristide by a military regime in 1991 led to a new wave of Haitians headed for the US."
In her account, Buschschluter neglects to mention that in the 1991 regime change in Haiti, the US backed the military intervention--General Raoul Cedras later retired to Panama with a "golden parachute" courtesy of the US. So the "wave" of dispossed Haitians was on account of CIA support of the military junta and by proxy the death squads.
"While he enjoyed the support of the Clinton administration during his first term of office, allegations of corruption and links to the drugs trade during President Aristide's second term made for a rocky relationship with Washington.

After an uprising against President Aristide in 2004, US forces returned to Haiti, this time to airlift him out of the country."
Enjoying himself is not exactly the way most would put it, in light of the conditions that the Clinton administration imposed on Aristide for his return. Especially in light of Washington's insistence that Aristide reconcile, negotiate and empower the elements in Haiti that had ousted him--in other words, his enemies.

On a personal note, I can attest to the fact that Aristide did not have an "enjoyable" time when he was in Washington under the "protection" of the Clinton administration after the first military coup d'etat. I and another family member had lunch with Aristide at his apt/bunker, while attending a protest march by Haitians in DC in the early 90s. If he was enjoying the largess of DC so much, why did his hands start to shake uncontrollably while holding his knife during lunch? And there was no avoiding the guy who peered at us across the hall as we left Aristide's apartment. Arguably, the man was only making us aware of his presence (his headset indicated that he had been listening to our visit from across the hall) because he was charged with protecting Aristide from his invited guests.

The lies about Aristide being involved in the trafficking of drugs aren't anything but a smoke-screen for the inevitable interventions from Washington--too tiresome to defend. The "conventional wisdom" goes like this; Haiti should be controlled because it is a major avenue for drugs. The right-wing echo chamber has already started the drumbeat--see "Things to Remember While Helping Haiti."

I like FiredogLake's take on Jim Roberts' proposals for Haiti:

"An intense earthquake has devastated Haiti, the number of injured and dead, and the damage, far exceed that country’s ability to cope. Millions of men women and children are likely lacking adequate food, water and shelter.

Haiti’s need for assistance of all kinds is clear.

At such a time when the need to provide assistance should be first and foremost, certain crass and craven individuals have other less honorable things in mind.
It is disgusting to report this , but people who publish such things need to be exposed, so that they may be repudiated in public."

Interestingly, in his opinion piece dated January 13, Jim Roberts suggested that President Obama appoint former Presidents G.W. Bush and Bill Clinton to head Haiti relief efforts. The next day, rumors circulated that Obama would be making the formal announcement that Bush Jr. and Bill Clinton would be tapped for the job, prompting David Sirota to Tweet:

"@davidsirota: Following orders from Heritage Foundation, Obama appoints George W. Bush to head Haiti relief. Unreal."

Obama's appointment of George W. Bush to head Haiti Relief is a clear indication that Candidate Obama was just mouthing a platitude when he said that he wanted to move past the "mindset that got us into Iraq." George W. Bush's political legacy is the "Bush Doctrine"-- a doctrine of pre-emptive war and war crimes. In light of Obama's escalation of the "war on terror"; the continuing violations of the Geneva Conventions, in particular, the drone and missile air strikes that amount to "collective punishment" because so many civilians are killed in relation to so-called "terrorist", evidently a corrosive mindset is also part of the "Obama Doctrine."
More on the Buschschluter BBC story:
"Mr Aristide accused the US of forcing him out - an accusation the US rejected as "absurd".

With the crisis averted, US interest in Haiti lessened. A UN-led mission took over from US troops in June 2004 and continues to be present there."
There is documented proof that the US ousted Aristide (again) in 2004--if the writer cared to include it. In particular, evidence suggests that the US trained and armed the "rebels"-- comprised of former military thugs and criminals in the Dominican Republic.

Also, it is untrue that "US interest in Haiti lessened," for one, the U.S. Embassy in Haiti is described as a "behemoth" costing 75 million to build in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince. The compound, finished in 2007 is the fourth largest in cost.
"The election of President Obama and the nomination of Bill Clinton to the post of UN envoy to Haiti, combined with a period of relative political stability, led to a strengthening of US-Haitian ties."
Close ties but not in a way that is positive for Haitian democracy and sovereignty. The US financed Haitian elections and a close source tells me, asked Rene Preval to run for President?

Also, The Buschschluter is not being candid, she is glossing over the fact that the UN was brought in to "stabilize" Haiti--only after the "int'l community' caused the chaos! The US, France & Canada (see the Ottawa Initiative) destabilized Haiti, then by virtue of their oppressive, unbalanced power as voting members of the UN Security Council--brought in a brutal (proxy) military occupation to "protect its interests" and squash resistance and democracy.

It's almost laughable the propaganda that passes for "news" in the mainstream media. The BBC had some shred of integrity for real investigative journalism (ex. Greg Palast)-- but this tears it for me. Is it any wonder that newspapers are going out of business, and increasingly people are depending on blogs, political PACs and unembedded journalists for the truth?

People are waking up to the fact that they cannot trust the media to tell the truth and increasingly they are doing their own research to fact-check stories like this that masquerade as journalism but are in fact littered with propagandist spin.

In writing this, I came across an exposé by The New York Times which told of the U.S. Role in the 2004 Coup against President Aristide. Well, I wasn't aware of this investigative piece, but NYT, it's just literally too little too late. The equivocating title tells the story, "Mixed U.S. Signals Helped Tilt Haiti Toward Chaos."

The Obama administration will likely not welcome a return of Aristide, given the tepid response from Secretary Clinton on news that Aristide's party Fanmi Lavalas has been barred from participation in scheduled Congressional and Senate elections in Haiti.

While Fanmi Lavalas Haiti's most popular party was barred, Guy Phillipe's Front for National Reconstruction was approved to run in the elections by Preval’s election council. Guy was trained by US Special Forces in Ecuador. Philippe and former death squad leader Louis Jodel Chamblain lead "rebels" who were the muscle for the coup d'etat machinery which ousted Aristide in 2004.

"A leader of one of the many community organizations affiliated with Aristide’s Fanmi Lavalas and who spoke on condition of anonymity stated, “It’s clear to us that Obama and Preval never really intended to arrest Philippe but only wanted to send him a message to shut his mouth. While Fanmi Lavalas has been barred from the next elections in 2010, Philippe’s party has been accepted to run by Preval’s election council. Now Philippe openly holds an FRN meeting in the capital…where’s the DEA? He’s right here if they really want him. Obama and Preval are hypocrites.”

The Obama administration doesn't have Condoleezza Rice at their disposal to warn Aristide to stay out of this hemisphere, but maybe Obama could assign UN Ambassador Susan Rice the task.

UPDATE: 01.17.2010
Thank you PB for making me aware of this excellent documentary on the UN occupation. Kevin Pina and Jean Ristil Jean Baptiste (Jean Ristil SURVIVED!) are the intrepid photo-journalist who documented these events.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Earthquake: Food, Aid, Donations & Info (updated 01.28.10)

Local groups or community/grassroots organizations collecting donations, please use the contact form on this website to request the info be posted.

Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network is recommending IFCO/Haiti Relief for earthquake relief for Haiti. We are still gathering information and will have more on other collaborators in Haiti, who are ready to assist with emergency relief.

Here are the organizations with IFCO/Haiti Relief -
Please join our response to the recent earthquake in Haiti. Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees, Lakou New York, and MUDHA (Movement of Dominican Haitian Women) are organizing an immediate delivery of first aid relief. MUDHA is traveling to the Dominican/Haitian border, looking at how to reach affected areas.

To make a financial contribution to our efforts, please send a tax-deductible donation to:
IFCO/Haiti Relief
418 West 145th Street
New York NY 10031

  • Ace bandages, gauze pads, bandage & tape
  • Water purification tablets & Rehydration salts
  • antibiotic and antifungal (Mycology) creams
  • anti-allergy medication (i.e. Benadryl)
  • anti-parasite medication
  • Tylenol; children's tylenol
  • cold and cough medicine
  • diarrhea medication
  • eye drops
  • insect repellent
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • skin disinfectant spray
  • Toothpaste and tooth brushes
  • soap and deodorant
  • sanitary napkins
  • brand new underwear - adult (small & med.) and children sizes
  • Nutritional bars, fruit & nut bars, cereal bars (NO CANNED FOODS PLEASE)
  • Tea Light candles & quality batteries (AA & D)

335 Maple Street, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY (this is not a mailing address) (718) 735-4660
Please use rear entrance on Lincoln Road between Nostrand and New York Avenue.
Enter through St. Francis Church parking lot

(718) 774-3037 208 Parkside, 2nd floor, Brooklyn, NY 11226

Forwarded by The Haitian Lawyer's Leadership Network


Long Island Coalition for Haiti's Relief

Suffolk County, NY- Long Island Coalition for Haiti's Relief is a collaboration of faith base organizations, local not-for-profit organizations, Congressman Steve Israel's office, the Suffolk County Executive's office, and the Suffolk County Legislature. The coalition has created an initiative which includes phases to assist survivors of the devastating earthquake that hit Port au- Prince and Carrefour, Haiti, Tuesday, January 12, 2010. Phase I addresses the most immediate needs of the survivors. The coalition is seeking the public's help in collecting specific medical supplies in addition to monetary donations to purchase medical supplies not received.
Drop-off locations are the Williams H. Rogers Legislative Building, Hauppauge; 18 Legislative District Offices throughout Suffolk County; the First Baptist Church in Bay Shore; Myoda Salon International Inc, 136 Wheeler Road, Central Islip, NY 11722. All monetary donations should be made out to:

Haitian Americans United for Change, Inc. (H.A.U.C.).
Po Box 5727 Lake Ronkonkoma NY 11779 or
For further information 1-888-509-4282 ext 108
Forwarded by: Haitian Americans United For Change
888-509-4282 Ext 108 or 101


Haiti Disaster Relief - NY

The Empire State Medical Association is working with the Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad

The following action plan is in place:

1) Thanks to those whom have contacted local, state, and federal politicians and congressional leaders. Heavy military disaster relief is on the way with large cargo airplanes flying in and cargo relief and medical ships to set up military type hospitals with generators and search and rescue teams and treat crush injuries and provide pain medication and disposing of rotting bodies in the street and bring antibiotics. Food, water, and clothing must be dropped by helicopter throughout the disaster area by helicopters since many roads are not passable. Military vehicles and manpower are needed to distribute food palates that are at the airport. Heavy machinery must continue to be brought in to clear road paths from building debris. These are immediate needs will continue.

2) The AMHE will be collecting financial donations to get to the Haitian Red Cross in Haiti. Please mail any contributions you desire to give to:
AMHE-NY Chapter (Checks payable to AMHE-NY -Disaster Relief Fund)
1166 Eastern Parkway 2nd floor
Brooklyn, NY 11213

All contributions go directly to earthquake relief with no administrative fees deducted from your contribution. All of the officers are Haitian Physicians whom are not compensated and volunteer their time to improve the health of the Haitian people.

3) All physicians/individual persons whom would like to participate are asked to make collection boxes designated as Haiti earthquake relief to collect financial contributions and have these boxed placed at the front desk of our offices and workplaces to solicit donations from those whom would like to make a voluntary contribution to send to the red cross in Haiti. There will be an ongoing need over the next several weeks. Please send in contributions to the address above.

4) Please encourage local hospitals, pharmaceutical industry, health supplier to send first aid supplies to Haiti. Each box of first aid material helps.

Medical supplies needed FIRST AID SUPPLIES:

• Ace bandages, gauze pads, bandage & tape
• Water purification tablets & Rehydration salts
• antibiotic and antifungal (Mycology) creams
• anti-allergy medication (i.e. Benadryl)
• anti-parasite medication
• Tylenol; children's tylenol
• cold and cough medicine
• diarrhea medication
• eye drops
• insect repellent
• hydrogen peroxide
• skin disinfectant spray

Medical supplies can be dropped off at :
YMCA 1401 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11210, the contact person from the YMCA is Patricia, phone # 646-258-5215.

If they need additional space the Bedford Stuyvesant YMCA will be made available. This will allow our physicians traveling to Haiti to bring supplies. If you are outside of NY you can mail the supplies directly the Haitian Red Cross in Port-au-Prince, Haiti..

5) Please encourage community groups and churches to collect canned food, bottled water and clothing, and first aid supplies and SEND relief in BARRELS to the Haitian Red Cross in Haiti. Label the Barrels:


• Toothpaste and tooth brushes
• soap and deodorant
• sanitary napkins
• brand new underwear - adult (small & med.) and children sizes

• Nutritional bars, fruit & nut bars, cereal bars • Tea Light candles & quality batteries (AA & D) Paying for the shipping will ensure it gets there.

6) Dr. Delcasse and Dr. Jean Claude Compass have already left for Haiti. Working with the Haitian Consulate the AMHE have obtained a plane from Jetblue to fly medical personnel to the Dominican Republic and to provide a bus to Port-au-Prince.

There have been several physicians that have volunteered. There will be several trips to Haiti in rotating manner. The second wave of physicians is scheduled to leave this Sunday from NY. If you would like to attend please contact

Dr. Louis Auguste MD,
Dr. Paul Nacieer MD,
Dr. Eric Jerome MD

They are compiling a list to go back and forth to Haiti over the next several weeks. Thanks in advance for your support, please forward this to others whom may want to support.

Here is a message from our friend and one of the top physicians in Haiti, Dr. Jean Pape from Port au Prince Haiti:

Message from Dr. Jean Pape 1/13/10 3pm

Dear Friends,

We were very lucky. I have heard from most of our staff and they are safe. My knee is slightly injured by a piece of concrete that fell from the ceiling. I was at a meeting with the Prime Minister, The Minister of Health , the Director General, the Directors of WHO and UNAIDS, USAID staff , others when it all started. We were all able to get out before the room collapsed. All the walls around both GHESKIO sites are broken. Buildings have been structurally damaged particularly at the old GHESKIO.

1. Clear the obstructed roads so that help can reach those in need
2. Specialized teams to save those who are still under the rubble
3. Shelters for those who lost their home
4. Medical and surgical supplies
5. Water
6. Ready to use food
7. Need to organize quickly the burial of the thousands who are dead.
8. Need to put in place emergency hospitals as Doctors without Borders are not operational as their building collapsed.
9. Emergency measures to prevent infections

Please forward this note to all those concerned about the situation in Haiti.


Thanks in advance for all whom have supported and continue to support.
Daniel Laroche MD
President, Empire State Medical Association
Member, AMHE

Daniel Laroche MD
Eye Physician and Surgeon, Glaucoma Specialist
President, Advanced Eyecare of New York

215-43 Jamaica Avenue
Queens Village, NY 11428
Tel- 718-217-0424, Fax 718-217-0459

49 West 127th Street
Harlem, NY 10027
Tel- 212-663-0473, Fax 917-493-1010

President, Empire State Medical Association

NY State affiliate, National Medical Association

Forwarded by Empire State Medical Association


Haiti Disaster Relief - Miami

If you are in Miami, bring collected medicine to the Haitian-American Physician Abroad (AMHE) at 144-55 Memorial Highway, Miami Florida at memorial highway baptist church (very close to Jackson hospital) - For more info: Dr. Francelot Moise 786 587 7646 and Dr. Florence Solage. Drop off only emergency medical supplies and MRE's (Meals-Ready-To-Eat). No clothes, blankets, or canned food at this location.

Important News Items:

President Obama pledges $100M in aid as 2,000 Marines arrive to help victims
Military Preps for Broader Haiti Relief Mission
ELCA International Disaster Response Commits Funds to Haiti Relief
Donations to help relief efforts flowing from around the sports world
FBI Warns Against Online Haiti Relief Scams

Corporations offering support/aid to Haiti:
• UPS is offering free shipping for anything under 50 lbs going to Haiti.
American Airlines is taking doctors and nurses to Haiti for free. Please call 212 697 9767
• More companies offering aid: Companies offer aid for Haiti earthquake victims

• T-mobile customers can call Haiti and they will waive the charges to call Haiti on long distance calls until January 31 2010


What you can do:
• Contact your local parish/church or religious organizations, many are organizing groups of people to go to Haiti and work on disaster relief. Particularly desired are doctors and nurses, but anyone interested can participate. In particular in New York, contact - Pastor Legerre: 1-718.493.3479 or 1-646-286-7469

Conscious Disaster Relief with human rights and dignity


As a member of the earthquake relief with 1199 organization, I was asked to create a database of volunteers to be ready for assistance in the Earthquake Relief in the United States and Haiti.

If you would like to volunteer, please e-mail me the following:


The Haitian Lawyer's Leadership (HLLN) supports AMHE's relief mission and urges you to do so also. Self-reliance and self-sufficiency is the only way to break the old neocolonial paradigm.

Join Ezili's HLLN in supporting Haitian-led, Haitian0capacity building organizations. Join HLLN's efforts in bringing conscious disaster relief with human rights and dignity.

Make a donation. Urge your friends, family and colleagues to make a donation towards creating a different paradigm in Haiti where there is respect for Haitian sovereignty and Haitian leaders are allowed to lead in the interests of their own naition, their own people. Support Ezili's HLLN -- NOU LA! - Relief fund. We are here to continue Dessalines' work.


"Haïti Chérie, Pi bon péyi pasé wou nan pwen, Fôk mwen té kité-w, Pou mwen té kab konprann valè-w, Fôk mwen té mantché-w, Poum té kab aprésyé-w, Poum santi vrèman, Tou sa ou té yé pou mwen."

– Chris

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