A tanker truck deposits excrements from the Nepali UN base in... (AP Story-10.28.2010)

The Nepalese military occupation brought the disease to Haiti. There was an outbreak of cholera in Nepal concurrently in October. The Nepalese base dumped their waste in a tributary of the Artibonite river, resulting in the spread of the bacterial infection to those living down river from the military base.
The virulent strain contaminating Haiti is not native to the Western Hemisphere. The bacterial strain of cholera has been determined to be of South Asia origin. The cholera contamination of the Artibonite river has killed over 400 Haitians and made close to 5,000 Haitians ill.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010; 5:40 PM
John Mekalanos, a cholera expert and chairman of Harvard University's microbiology department, said it is important to know exactly where and how the disease emerged because it is a novel, virulent strain previously unknown in the Western Hemisphere - and public health officials need to know how it spreads.
Interviewed by phone from Cambridge, Massachusetts, Mekalanos said evidence suggests Nepalese soldiers carried the disease when they arrived in early October following outbreaks in their homeland.
"The organism that is causing the disease is very uncharacteristic of (Haiti and the Caribbean), and is quite characteristic of the region from where the soldiers in the base came," said Mekalanos, a colleague of Farmer. "I don't see there is any way to avoid the conclusion that an unfortunate and presumably accidental introduction of the organism occurred."
An international crime is happening in Haiti, which is above and beyond the invasion and occupation of Haiti by international military forces.
The UN troops have infected Haiti with cholera, that is a certainty.
Those who invited MINUSTAH to occupy Haiti and provide "security" are looking for cover. The CDC, UN and the World Health Organization (WHO) think an investigation would be a "distraction."
However, "John Mekalanos, a cholera expert and chairman of Harvard University's microbiology department, said it is important to know exactly where and how the disease emerged because it is a novel, virulent strain previously unknown in the Western Hemisphere - and public health officials need to know how it spreads."
This novel virulent strain of Cholera is in Haiti to stay.
Yet the CDC, UN, World Health officials living in their ivory tower do not want to find out how the disease spreads.
What are they afraid of ? What do they have to hide?
According to the AP article, CDC, WHO, UN are supposedly interested in fighting the disease. Yet, lifesaving supplies meant to fight cholera sits in Port-au-Prince largest warehouse as people lay dying on the side of the road in Pont-Sonde, St Marc and elsewhere in the country side.
The Pan-American Health Organization official was quoted as saying "If we send everything we have here today, tomorrow we cannot answer for the 800,000 cases." :
What we are witnessing in Haiti is GENOCIDE in slow motion.
Nigel F. , Vincenzo P. and the rest of the cabal at the UN need to man up and own up to have contaminated the Artibonite river, Haiti's breadbasket, with cholera and contributing to thousands of unnecessary deaths throughout Haiti.
GOH needs to grow a spine and demand a thorough investigation of the circumstances that led to this contamination and reparations be paid to the victims.
To the last commenter:
As if the Eugenicists are going to admit they're eugenists. The killers murdered and maimed thousands of Haitians to justify renewing their mandate.
Peaceful protest is obviously not working for the Haitian people. Sorry to say but they need to start burning and looting.
History proves that tyrants never respond to peaceful measures.
This morning I woke up in a curfew;
O god, I was a prisoner, too - yeah!
Could not recognize the faces standing over me;
They were all dressed in uniforms of brutality. eh!
How many rivers do we have to cross,
Before we can talk to the boss? eh!
All that we got, it seems we have lost;
We must have really paid the cost.
(that's why we gonna be)
Burnin and a-lootin tonight;
(say we gonna burn and loot)
Burnin and a-lootin tonight;
(one more thing)
Burnin all pollution tonight;
(oh, yeah, yeah)
Burnin all illusion tonight.
Oh, stop them!
- Bob Marley
I am well aware that these cabals at the UN will never admit to any wrong doings. However, want to let them know they cannot hide we charge them with genocide.
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