Saturday, March 29, 2008

Black Liberation Meets White Tiger

Masked black overseers look after the white tiger's "interests".

Pastor Jeremiah Wright is meeting the same white tiger that attacked and malled the democratically elected government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. This western tiger opposes liberation theology as it relates to the liberation of the poor in a society dominated by the rich and powerful who oppose the gospel of Jesus Christ and its message of hope and change.

Haitians morn the loss of their sovereignty and freedom.

"A white theology can be just as political as a black theology or a theology of liberation in Latin America. Although it is easily seen through, political concern seeks to hide the orientation of a white theology toward defending dominant class interests. This is why, through simulating neutrality, white theology is preoccupied with the conciliation of things that cannot be conciliated, why it denies so consistently the differences among social classes and their struggles, and why in its efforts for social good it does not go beyond the kind of modernizing reformisms that only shore up the status quo."
      "A Black Theology of Liberation"
      -- Paulo Freire (Foreword to the 1986 Edition)

A prayer to the ancestors for the return of President Aristide

Here is a progression of events that happened to the democratically elected government of Haiti, lead by its President, Jean-Betrand Aristide; a former priest who ministered to the poor in his church and preached liberation theology.

Like Pastor Jeremiah Wright, he was demonized by his enemies in the US government and in the corporate controlled MSM, particularly by the New York Times and the far right led by the racist Jesse Helms.

The ultimate toll for Haitians (mostly poor and underprivileged) who supported President Aristide and his party Lavalas (the flood):

"Shocking Lancet Study: 8,000 Murders, 35,000 Rapes and Sexual Assaults in Haiti During U.S.-Backed Coup Regime After Aristide Ouster"

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