Saturday, March 15, 2008

Winter Pastor: Americans at War

The main stream media (MSM) aired America's dirty laundry non-stop yesterday. The focus was on Barack Obama's former Pastor, Jeremiah Wright of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ.

The story of the soldiers gathered to give testimony about the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions was ignored by the MSM. The event is called Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan. Hundreds of soldiers are gathered in Silver Spring, Maryland from March 13-16 in the time honored tradition of war protest as exemplified by the 1971 Vietnam hearings.

It was a very cathartic day for some and uncomfortable day for others.

Here is a preview of the Winter Soldier event from YouTube (Listen live here):

Here is a video of one of Barack Obama's appearances on the MSM:

The cynics say, "the soldiers, the pastor and the presidential candidate must hate America." The optimists say, "they must love it that much more because they care enough to speak the truth and isn't that the sign of a real patriot?" The pragmatists say "I wonder how this will affect the primaries in Pennsylvania?"

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