Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Batay Ouvriyer: MARCH 12th, 2010- Address to the Camps

By BATAY OUVRIYER | March 12th, 2010


While the government has finished showing how incapable it is and how it is perfectly inept to take us in charge;

While it remains constant to itself by seeking to consolidate its position along with the mafia-criminals it was putting in place;

While the crooked senators and representatives return to their usual scheming, to ensure their positions and continue their mandates that are already over;

While the imperialists, on the basis of the “help” they’ve come to “give” (of which the NGOs mainly profit, receiving three quarters of the money and invading our territory with army personnel, as if our country that the enslaved population has risen up to liberate now was up for sale);

While Préval and his government are opening the country to all those who wish to take advantage of the heightened exploitation in the factories and industries, to the point that working women are dying under this domination; as the bourgeois continue making their profits, taking advantage of the occasion to increase even more their exploitation in the businesses and factories…

While all the conservatives are collaborating by trying to creep closer to the power levels, and, thus, be a part of rehabilitating the rotten pre-existing structures….

WE, under the tents, under the tarpaulins, under old sheets, under cardboard… continue to endure the rains, the sufferance, the humiliations and even deaths, in a situation confronting us due to our misery; a misery due to the big landowners, big bourgeois, “big-eaters” and big foreign capitalists, with their armies and police forces.

Our Camp Committees

In many camps, Committees were set up to obtain the “assistance”, so we could live after the January 12th, 2010 disaster. Confronted with this natural catastrophe, some had sought to profit personally by misleading others to believe it was the result of a curse. The idea was to keep us continuing to wait, while at the same time dissimulating the role of the ruling classes with their reactionary state, to keep us where we were.

Indeed, there are many Committees; but many of them are frauds seeking to join with the big thieves to settle their personal business and later on sniggle into the “big-eater” club. Our own committees aren’t them. We have to be even more dynamic, but especially honest, serious, consequent, INDEPENDENT! They have to be able to represent the population. Later on, we’ll have to try to set up a correct COORDINATION amongst us, to have more strength. Within this collective movement, we’ll need to TRANSFORM ourselves, not only to be able to stand face to face with all the racketeers seeking to benefit of the situation personally, using us, but also and especially to counter the ruling classes’ and the State project of domination-exploitation that they’re prepared to unleash upon us once again.

We, confronting the ruling classes’ project of domination and exploitation.

This domination and exploitation plan still exists, and EVEN WORSE. In fact, it’s on our backs, we workers, we popular masses that it’s seated, by forcing us to work for misery wages, while we’re the ones enduring, suffering, just as it’s always been. We have to be able to RESIST THIS PLAN. That’s why, starting from our Committees, we have to develop awareness, gain understanding of the situation facing us clearly, and then take measures to resist against the tribulations they’ve decided to submit us to again. So our Camp Committees have to be able to TURN INTO Committees that can CONFRONT all those opposing us, whether the little racketeers or the ruling classes’ domination-exploitation plan, especially. They’ve got to become BATTLE COMMITTEES. For this, our own interests, those of the workers, those of the popular masses, need to be placed before all else.

The political situation before January 20th, 2010, hasn’t changed a bit

The concrete political situation we had before us before the January 20th earthquake hasn’t changed a bit! It’s still the same people, even if presently the reactionaries, thieves and swindlers are talking about ‘change’. We’d already shown how violently we’re opposed to this situation: that’s why we remained distant from the fraudulous elections that were being prepared; that is why we’d begun to remobilize to defend our demands, to grab our rights from them. We mobilized to try to obtain the miserable 200 gourdes minimum daily wage: Préval blocked us! We mobilized to try to obtain wages they owed us since several months: the police repressed us! We mobilized against privatization, against the occupation: they ignored us! We mobilized to demand a different type of education, new forms of schooling, a different university: they blocked us, choked us with gases, arrested us! We mobilized against the rising famine: the police and the MINUSTAH UN forces shot upon us, even killed some! Preval congratulated them about this. And, finally, on the very January 12th, 2010, the reactionary forces began their assassinations!

Now, we’re hearing they want to “displace” us, send us to places we don’t know, where we won’t be able to live, where we’ll have to always depend on the “help” to “save” us: they’re taking advantage of the earthquake to kick us out. WE WON’T TAKE IT!

The political scene

We are mobilizing to defend our rights, FORCE OUR RIGHTS! For this, we have to DEFINITELY invade the POLITICAL SCENE! That’s where everything is being set up presently. We have to stop the little schemers, reactionaries and robber barons from uniquely having the speech up to now! We have to talk too, STRONGLY, all the time, with our interests upfront. WE HAVE TO MAKE THE POLITICAL ARENA BECOME OUR OWN! WE NEED TO PUT THE STREETS ONTO THE POLITICAL ARENA!
This State isn’t our own!

Before all of this, we need to be clear: the present State won’t represent us, the present State isn’t our State! Quite the contrary, it’s the racketeers’ state, the big-eaters’ State, the big bourgeois’ State, that of the big landowners, of imperialist States, of major transnational capital. To represent and defend our own interests truly and surely, we have to stand across the repression they’ll want to launch upon us, as we think, together, and work, together, on how to ESTABLISH A DIFFERENT STATE, with our interests before all, the only way for us to ensure our lives, our futures, together with our children. At Batay Ouvriye, that’s what we’re fighting for. Let’s link forces!






Read more and contribute at Batay Ouvriyer.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Devastated Haitians Are Sitting Ducks for Flawed "Recovery" Efforts

• Haiti Earthquake Victim Refuses Amputation
• WHO Controversial Untested Vaccines Planned for Mil Haiti Quake Victims
• Canada Buys a "Lead" Role On Haiti Recovery Team

A Haitian man refused amputation of his hand. The hand sustained a crush injury. The man had been told by doctors who looked at his hand that it needed to be amputated, therefore he avoided seeking medical care for his injury for fear that he would lose his hand. Luckily, the man's hand will recover, a nurse practitioner who examined the injured hand assures him. That is, if he pursues follow up medical care in five days. During the earthquake crisis in Haiti, doctors performed many of the 2000 estimated amputations on earthquake victims who had compound fractures, which made them good candidates for a complete recovery under normal circumstances.

Carl Thelemarque remarked on his observations of amputations due to the disaster from his base at Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti in February:
"[...] injured people I send to the Dominican Republic for help, have mostly come back with limbs missing. That's all they are doing cutting, cutting, cutting and then closing the wound up and releasing the people. The doctors there are cutting off EVERYTHING, arms, legs, toes, feet, fingers. You have a cut or a wound and they just cutoff the limbs. The people returning from the DR are always missing a limb. They are doubly traumatized and more depressed."
Time reports that the number of post quake amputees in Haiti could jump to as many as 150,000 because infections continue to fester in quake victims, which could necessitate further amputations. Time speculates that this could make Haiti a "nation of amputees" by the end of the year, as this many amputees would account for 2% of Haiti's 9 million population.

The video about the would be amputee was posted by the YouTube channel VALABAB.

child_vaccineA new WHO vaccination campaign is targeting the one million people in Haiti who are homeless due to the devastating earthquake of Jan. 12, 2010. Haitians are to be the first to receive controversial vaccinations "According to a document published by WHO called "Public health risk assessment and interventions: Earthquake: Haiti,“ the UN health agency is strongly recommending that people in Haiti receive vaccinations against tetanus, measles, diphtheria, polio and pertussis in spite of the controversy surrounding these vaccines. The website The Flu Case reports that the same vaccine has proven to be toxic for some children inoculated with the vaccine in Bosnia.
"Jagoda Savic this week filed charges at a state prosecutor's office in Bosnia Herzegovina against WHO presenting evidence that WHO had helped conceal the damage caused by a CSL vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis distributed for free by UNICEF.

Savic presented evidence that 117 children suffered severe side effects.

[...]The WHO document also states that the swine flu poses a risk to the people of Haiti, suggesting the people of Haiti will be given the untested and toxic swine flu jab."
A particularly cogent comment is posted by someone who identifies only as a Medical laboratory scientist on The Flu Case site:
Just another excuse to pump vulnerable people full of lethal toxins. How do they think these unfortunates are going to respond to squalene, mercury, aluminum, formalin, detergents, spermatocides and what have you? Every opportunity is exploited by the authorities to undermine personal immunity, sterilise [make infertile], raise oxidative stress and deprive the victims of anti oxidants.

How about giving those people high quality nutrition, super foods, vitamins, minerals and trace elements to improve their health and overall resistance to disease. It's infinitely more effective than potentially lethal vaccines or iatrogenic medical drugs will ever be, unless of course they are intent on killing these people, which wouldn't surprise me at all."
Background info:

FDA Approved H1N1 Vaccines Contain Ingredients Known to Cause Cancer and Death
Why Pig Flu Didn't Fly: the full story
H1N1: Preparations for the Militarization of Public Health
Is the WHO vaccination of millions in Haiti a Trojan Horse?
Is There a Eugenics Experiment Aimed a Depopulating Haiti?
Is there an International plan to depopulate and exterminate a large portion of Haiti's population?
ADS: The WHO Vaccine Conspiracy & Monkey Business
FDA ties pneumonia deaths to infant vaccine for diarrhea virus
Vaccinate Haiti?
U.S.AID Go Home!
The History of Thanksgiving
Contaminated Merck Vaccine Recalled in China


Reuters Photo | Hundreds of Thousands demonstrate on July 15, 2006, Aristide's birthday, demanding release of political prisoners, return of President Aristide and a stop to the coup d'etat oppressions
Canada, part of the cabal (France and the U.S. were also at the Ottawa Initiative) that planned, financed and executed the ouster of Aristide, and thus the demise of real Haitian democracy, plans to remain on the scene of their crimes. Canada is "buying" an influential seat on the Haiti "recovery" team.

The Ottawa Initiative was where Canadian Officials initiated the planning for the military ouster of Aristide
"OTTAWA — Canada is preparing to pay $100 million to join an exclusive new international club that would guide the rebuilding of earthquake-ravaged Haiti, The Canadian Press has learned.

That’s the price tag for a seat on the proposed Interim Haitian Recovery Commission that is expected to be one of the key announcements to be made this week at the New York international donors’ conference on Haiti.

“Canada has been a major partner and a major donor to Haiti in the past years, so we will be there,” said a senior government official. “Not sure of the structure, but Canada will play a major role.”

The new commission will be made up [of] representatives from more than a dozen donor countries, the Haitian government, the Organization of American States, the 15-country Caribbean bloc known as CARICOM, NGOs and international institutions. Its creation is one of two major announcements expected from Wednesday’s Haiti summit in New York, senior World Bank officials said."
The article emphasizes the lead role that Canada is "buying" from the World Bank for its 100M investment. The Canadians, along with France and the U.S. continue to exert a vise-like control over Haitian matters, with the U.S. having seized control on the ground by landing troops and controlling the Haitian airport. For Canada as well as other so-called "donor" countries, the will of the Haitian people are to be ignored per usual in deference to the West's supposed "expertise" on what is best for Haiti:
"The World Bank and other international actors are keen to see Canada play an active role in the decision-making commission. Haiti’s government estimates it will ultimately cost $11.5 billion to rebuild from the Jan. 12 quake that killed more than 200,000 people.

“I see the role of both sharing Canadian experience in a number of sectors but also technical assistance and also the decision making process,” Tsikata explained, noting that Canada has shown expertise in education, governance and judiciary programs."
The U.S., France and Canada, with the continuing support of the United Nations have literally broken Haiti, so they should no longer be so intimately involved in Haiti's sovereign affairs. An international tribunal should be convened to investigate and consequently, prosecuted them for their crimes against humanity in Haiti. Upon a determination of their guilt, these international "players" should be forced to pay restitution for their criminal interventions.

It is well-documented that interventions in Haiti affairs have invariably caused chaos, violence, rapes and deaths. The Lancet reported an estimated 8,000 deaths and 35,000 rapes in just Port-au-Prince, Haiti alone in the 22 month period following the U.S., France and Canada backed 2004 coup d'etat against the democratically elected government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The Lancet report can be viewed here (PDF). Victim's testimonies and photos can also be found at the Ezilidanto Witness Project. Before that the Bush Sr. U.S. regime backed the 1991 coup against Aristide which also resulted in many deaths and violence against the Haitian populace.

In the reconstruction effort, this cabal, along with the UN and the international banksters (who have held Haiti enslaved in a cycle of debt and dependency), should have only supporting roles that back the decisions of a democratically elected Haitian government -- elected with the full participation of Haiti's most popular party, Fanmi Lavalas.

Haitians must be in charge of and in leadership roles in the rebuilding of Haiti. And Fanmi Lavalas must be allowed to participate in any free and fair election--otherwise any elections held without their participation is neither free nor fair. Fanmi Lavalas was barred from postponed February elections. They are the so-called "die hards" (unfortunate term Boston.com!) who want the return of President Aristide, so that he may participate in the rebuilding effort. Haitians have participated in what some observers have counted as 50 protests in Haiti post the devastating earthquake. Most were to protest of the lack of aid, unequal and incompetent aid distribution, but many were to demand the return of President Aristide -- here, here, here, here, here, and here.

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This month Bill Clinton apologized for his support of US agricultural policies that forced Haitian farmers to compete with U.S. subsidized agribusiness and specifically rice from farmers from Clinton's home state of Arkansa. The policy resulted in the destruction of the rice farmers' livelihoods in Haiti to the tune of 830,000 rural jobs lost! See the Washington Post article: "With cheap food imports, Haiti can't feed itself."

Bill Clinton, Haiti does not need your apology, its too little, too late. What needs to happen is a "class action" lawsuit. The U.S. needs to pay restitution to Haiti. On the subject of restitution, France also, should be forced to pay the 21 billion it extorted from Haiti as payment for the "loss" of its enslaved colony. And the damages from the crimes committed by Canada and other international "players." should be assessed by a duly appointed international tribunal of justice.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Slavery in Haiti the Media Won't Expose

Reposted with permission of Ezilidanto of Haitian Lawyer's Leadership Network (HLLN)

HLLN Links to the counter-narrative to the media spins and self-serving colonial negatives promoted about Haiti

"Haitian child restaveks - domestic servants - does not equate to the European TransAtlantic trade/holocaust."
Every year one or more of these organization - CNN, NBC, New York Times, Associated Press, Reuters, Miami Herald, ABC/Nightline or another such mouthpiece of the new West Indian trading companies - will, like clockwork, do a piece on how the disease-ridden Haitian poor in Haiti own child domestic servants known as- restaveks - Kreyòl for "stay with." Poor young children, mostly small girls, who go stay with another family to work for their keep because their own families can't feed and shelter them.

child labor - the history place
The bleak reality is, child labor was commonplace in the US when it was a "developing" country (here are some pictures from 1908-1912). It was customary for American children to work on family farms and to "never get paid." Photo: The History Place
They mostly deliberately misidentify this phenomenon - which is present in EVERY poor country - as slavery ONLY in Haiti and solely, it seems, to feed the American public with its regular dose on the absurdity of an independent nation of Blacks trying to rule itself without a white colonial figurehead; how uncivilized these Blacks are in their gross treatment of their children as slaves!

[See CNN's 2007 report on the exploitation of Haitian workers in the Dominican Republic's sugar cane field, where the reporter Joe Johns says that the children laboring in the field "happy to have the work."]

This constant popular U.S. media hit on Haiti apparently feeds the white psyche's programming on Haiti, its expectations and their US/Euro cultural narratives of superiority while throwing shame on Haiti precisely to marginalize, ad nauseam, Haiti's great feat of abolishing European chattel slavery, the Triangular Trade and direct colonialism. (See, Slavery Still Legally Sanctioned under US Constitution and The Untold Story: U.S. Slavery In The 20th Century. See also, Letter to AP Editors Regarding the Restavek Issue; Haitian child restaveks - domestic servants - does not equate to the European TransAtlantic trade/holocaust | Ezili's counter narrative on the ABC/Nightline report on the abuse of Haitian children, July 9, 2008 ; and Restavek: Letter to the New York Times - Demonizing the Gonaives Hurricane Victims, Sept. 14, 2008.) 

Exploitation of child domestics is a global problem, not a Haitian "slavery"
"...Studies in Indonesia estimate there are around 400,000 child domestic workers in Jakarta alone and 5 million in Indonesia as a whole. In Venezuela 60 per cent of the girls working between 10 and 14 years of age are employed as domestic workers. Country surveys showed that the proportion of child domestic workers under ten years of age was 26 per cent in Venezuela, 24 per cent in Bangladesh, and 16 per cent in Togo. A survey in Morocco showed that 72 percent of domestic workers started their working day before 7.00am and 65 percent went to bed after 11.00pm." (Child Labour: Targeting the intolerable, ILO 1996; Jafrikayiti, from Exploitation of child domestics is a global problem, not a Haitian "slavery" issue. Windows on Haiti Ann Pale forum discussion of the restavek issue, 2003.)
"To equate the restavek issue to slavery is to trivialize the ownership, sanctioned by Euro-American laws, of Africans starting from 1503 in Haiti and ending in 1803 in Haiti when the Africans wrestled their liberty from the European enslavers in combat. That human trafficking trade continued in the US until the Civil War and bears little resemblance to the phenomenon, in most poor countries where children are sent as servants to work at places where they may find an education and food. That restaveks are abused and exploited in Haiti, as in the rest of the developing world, is not questioned.

But the exploitation is ILLEGAL in Haiti. The Haiti child restavek indentured servant issue cannot be equated to the Maafa, to the Euro-American chattel slavery of the TransAtlantic nor the European Trans-Mediterranean slave trade. That's a period, no comma. To do so is to trivialize the European sponsored African holocaust - Maafa." (Child domestic labor in Haiti is NOT chattel slavery in the way of Western European-styled slavery was.)
In none of these U.S. journalistic "Haiti exposes" - from a country that still legally sanctions slavery under the US Constitution - will the world ever learn of the Haitian struggle against neocolonialism. How Haiti is destroyed by its ceaseless independence debt now being extorted by the powerful through neo-liberal economic policies; ravaged by the eleven to thirteen mercenary families - the US/Euro subcontractors in Haiti - who, with the complicity of the US/Euros and their coup d'etats exclude the majority, own most of the country's wealth while the majority starve and live in utter misery and poverty. How Haiti is ravaged by this tyranny of the rich, by unfair trade, the fraud and corruption of false aid, false benevolence, false charity, false food aid, and the false Christian missions whose help mostly don't reach the intended poorest of the poor but services the rich, blan kolon and the global elite's agenda of keeping Haiti in debt and contained-in-poverty.

The mainstream media routinely publishes articles citing research studies by self-serving charities and NGOs pontificating on the horrors of child domestic labor amongst the poor majority- ti pèp la- in Haiti. But they conveniently ignore the real tyrants - the pillaging wealthy at the very top who deny the masses a voice, their votes, economically enslave the poor Haitian majority and cause the perpetuation of the wretched survival system of child domestic servants. They conveniently ignore, for instance, that there may be more poor Haitian children being sponsored at $20 to $40 a pop by Christian missions and the global multinational charity businesses making a profit off Haiti's poverty than there are children in Haiti.

These special media reports and NGO "research" studies -to get more grants off the backs of Haitians - ignore that, not only does this charity money raised -in the name of helping poor children like the ones who are so poor in Haiti they must be lent out to another poor family for work purposes as restavek - child laborers/indentured servants- not reach such children but the amount that is spent in Haiti is mostly spent on either the child of the rich or the irelatively more wealth-off Haitian child. The real poor child is merely used as BAIT to raise funds that mostly doesn't reach them or help their kind to any great extent in Haiti. The bulk of the money raised by NGOS, in the name of “helping the poor Haitian people," mostly, like US/Euro foreign aid to Haiti, stays in the US or in Europe, or is used for salaries for these do-gooders and their Haitian sycophants, for obtaining an Old Dixie Planter's lifestyle in Haiti, for administrative fees, for shipping fees, for dumping food at harvest time to further impoverish the Haitian farmer. But this enslavement, this organized violence at the top in Haiti which creates, since the Independence Debt, the individual violence at the bottom won't get any press. No.

You won't see the mainstream media publishing articles on the institutionalized poverty pimp system in Haiti, going on for over half-a-century now, starting since the early 1950s, headed by the United States through USAID, USAID insiders and contracted out to the major multinational charitable NGO businesses - CARE International, Catholic Relief Services, World Vision, et al...- , that uses the Haitian poor as bait to collect funds, research grants, food aid contracts, to collect shipping and distribution contracts for the privileged foreigner and their Haitian sycophants so to get richer, more power, maintain the Old Dixie status quo in Haiti. They won't explain that there are false orphanages, like those described in Schwartz' book, that ensures the poor will remain poor and the poor peasant's child will have to become a child servant for sheer survival. And there's false food aid that destroys Haiti's security, dignity and food sovereignty, creates slums like Site Soley. This real slavery, this organized tyranny and corruption at the top - the enslavement of Haiti's majority by USAID/World Bank/IFI/IMF's poverty pimp system, run mostly by reputable charities/NGOs and the Haitian Oligarchy - the handful of "white Haitians" - Haiti's economic elite that are the richest people in the Western Hemisphere; this slavery is never exposed in these articles and special reports on child "slavery" in Haiti. (See, Ezili Dantò's review of TRAVESTY in Haiti - A true account of Christian missions, orphanages, fraud, food aid and drug trafficking, a book by Timothy T. Schwartz; HLLN on oversight needed on USAID; Letter to the Editors; Food Donation Rot in New York while Haitian Storm Victims Starve and Die, Sept. 8, 2008; and HLLN Update: Paterson's Timeline for delivery of donated goods for Haiti storm victims.)

The African warriors in Haiti fought the English, French, Spanish and a US blockage in order to abolish slavery and take Haiti's independence in 1804. But lone Haiti has been fighting these same forces to maintain its independence, since 1806, when the first successful foreign-supported coup d'etat - that is, the assassination of Haiti's founding father, Jean Jacques Dessalines. It's been since then that the bourgeois/Affranchi/mulatto/white Haitians have been enslaving, through neocolonialism (debt, dependency, privatization, free trade, false aid, false benevolence, wage slavery and foreign domination/UN occupation), the entire Haitian masses. (See, the New Slavery Model Fulfilling Lecler's imperative and Haiti Forum 2009.)

That SLAVERY - the tyranny of the tiny monopoly/mercenary families in Haiti and the USAID/NGO system that supports it for corporate America maintaining the dependency, debt, exclusion, apartheid, unfair wages, the fraud, corruption and false benevolence- is the reason Haitians continue to run to the high seas for refuge, preferring death than to stay enslaved to Haiti's Oligarchy and NGOs as continued today by the US/UN occupation. (Capsized, 85 Haitians dead: Haiti's Holocaust Continues - Asylum, Amnesty, Justice denied our kind; Haiti's Holocaust and Middle Passage Continues; The Collar of Impunity: Sexual abuse of Haiti children by Priests, Charity Workers and UN Peacekeepers and Humanitarian Aid Workers raping, molesting and abusing Haitian children.)

For all the unscrupulous and shady businessmen and governments of the world, Haiti has always been a fiscal paradise because the Neocolonialists' manufactures fear, racists myths and false stereotypes about Haitian brutality, inherent poverty, lack of natural resources, incompetence (the common neocolonial storyline/media lies), inherent violence, decontextualizes Haiti's legacy of impunity/corruption and lies about Haiti not having a viable indigenous culture. These myths, stereotypes, racists lies and self-serving fears control, promote and maintain the world's negative perceptions of Haiti so that empire, their predatory "charitable" and "benevolent" NGOs and the world's corporate oligarchs may contain-Haiti-in-poverty the better to rob it blind.

Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation
; Expose the lies - Haiti's Riches: Interview with Ezili Dantò on Mining in Haiti;
HLLN on the causes of Haiti deforestation and poverty;

Haiti Riches

Digging up Haiti
Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti
Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth

Legacy of Inpunity

Comparing crime, poverty and violence in the rest of the Hemisphere to Haiti

The Two Most Common Neocolonial Storylines about Haiti

HLLN Counter Colonial Narrative
The Independence Debt
The causes of Haiti's poverty and deforestation
Ezili's counter-colonial narrative on Vodun
Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team
Recommended HLLN Links
Energy and Mining in Haiti
The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind, and a June 13, 2008 Nouvelliste article alleging, in sum, that "...in these last months, more than 40 to 50% of the imported rice that is subsidized by the Haitian State is CONSUMED in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC?.... And that even Haitian clandestinely subsidized petroleum products, cheaper Haiti oil products, are also being consumed by wealthy foreign ships passing through Haitian waters, instead of the impoverished and starving Haitians these food and gas subsidies were intended to benefit...")

That SLAVERY gets no press coverage. Yet, it is the root cause of the continuing child domestic servant issue and Haiti's institutionalized empoverishment. Indeed the media failure to report the truth, their lies and simplistic reporting about Haiti, allows impunity for the mercenary familes, their agents and US/Euro collaborators. The mainstream media will not do exposes showing that Haiti’s poverty, deforestation and instability is the result of the theft and exploitation of Haiti by the world’s wealthy countries, their corporations and subcontracting, non-tax-paying Haitian mercenary families. These untouchables - Category Two (Bafyòti yo)- get no such mainstream journalistic exposes though they, with their forces (Ndòki) - that is, the military, economic, diplomatic, political, neocolonial and media power of the US/Euro imperialist (Category One) are the ones maintaining slavery, misrule and poverty in Haiti - turning an entire nation of over 9 milllion Blacks into restaveks!

Ezili HLLN's work and media campaign gives voice to this Haiti narrative and enslavement. We are re-membering the dismembered Bwa Kayiman call - E, e, Mbomba, e, e! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga yo!

Our intention at Ezili's HLLN is to extend from our Ginen source, create a new paradigm - help liberate and develop Haiti and thus foil the black collaborators/traitors (kanga bafyòti), stop the tyrannical white settlers/blan strangers (kanga mundele). Bind all their evil forces/sorcerers (kanga Ndòki). Stop their Ndòki - that is, their fraud, false charity, false media, false schooling of Haiti's children, false NGOs, false charity, false Christian missions in haiti, false USAID benevolence, false humanitarian aid and their media untruths. Stop them!

E, e, Mbomba! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga li!

Ezili Dantò/HLLN

For more background information:

Listen to the Welfare Poets's song Sak Pase and their reciting (at 2:05) the Bwa Kayiman invocation or call: E, e, Mbomba! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga li!;

Please also refer to the three posts by Ezili Dantò, written back in August of 2003, before the occupation where I wrote: Beloved, know, no matter what you hear from the Bafyòtis, Mundeles or Ndòkis, Haitians love themselves and their children and Haitians are pushing to come together to stop the abuse of poor, unprotected children, as well as to raise awareness of the plight of the Restavek. These three post give a historical perspective, some critical observations, and hopefully, will add to the many concerned Haitian voices clamoring to legally amend Chapter 9 of the Haitian Labor Code which sanctions child domestic labor, and, for a nationwide educational campaign on parenting and the rights of Haitian children.

See, Slavery Still Legally Sanctioned under US Constitution - The 13th Amendment states: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." For more on slavery in the US, sharecropping and the peonage system, see -The Cotton Pickin' Truth..Still on the plantation; The Untold Story: Slavery In The 20th Century.

Know that: - "An increasing number of prisons in the U.S. are run by corporations, using their prisoners as workers and selling their labor to corporations. Federal safety and health standards do not protect prison labor, nor do the National Labor Relations Board policies. The corporations do not even have to pay minimum wage.

- "J.C. Penney, Victoria's Secret, IBM, Toys R Us and TWA are among the US corporations that have profited by employing prisoners. Put together long mandatory sentences for minor drug offences, a strong racial bias, prisons run by corporations for profit, the sale of convict labor to corporations, and a charge for prison room and board and you have a modern system of bonded labor - a social condition otherwise known as slavery." [from Take It Personally: How to Make Conscious Choices to Change the World edited by Anita Roddick, p.75]

"...The US government must stay out of our affairs and let us run our country. Each time they organize a coup d'état in Haiti - we have already 35 or 36 coups d'état in our history - we have to start over. This US policy of wanting to control everything in Haiti is blocking development as well as political, social or sociopolitical progress..." (--Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, interview entitled "Sovereignty and Justice in Haiti" by Darren Ell, March 4, 2007)

Haitian-Americans ask the US Congress and President to...end the UN occupation; stop unequal immigration treatment of Haitian refugees and asylum seekers; cancel, without condition, Haiti's debt to international financial institutions; void unfair trade laws, start fair and reciprocal trade, restrict free trade so not to dump food and other imports into Haiti that eviscerate Haiti's domestic growth and by also calibrating Haiti's domestic needs for agricultural expansion, public works, job creation, health care, schools, sanitation, infrastructure, and by adding enforceable human rights, labor, environmental rights provisions in US trade laws; permanently stop all deportations to Haiti, grant TPS; release of the political prisoners; stop trading for Haiti with USAID - foreign aid should go directly to the Haitian government; demand new foreign aid guidelines and oversight of USAID in Haiti; respect Haitian sovereignty and the Haitian vote; return President Aristide; investigate the role of US in the 2004 coup d'etat where US Special forces forcibly exiled President Jean Bertrand Aristide via an unmarked plane used for renditions.

- U.S. good governance and democratic enhancement policies administered by USAID should result in maximizing, not depleting or obliterating the Haitian Diaspora's $2 billion annual remittances and investments in Haiti; the next US Congress and President should implement new US foreign assistance regulations, guidelines and oversight to ensure foreign aid administered by USAID actually reaches the people in need, doesn't stay in Washington and is not primarily used for USAID's political benefactors, NGOs and non-profit's administrative, salary or shipping/transportation fees. (For complete details, go to: What Haitians and Haitian-Americans Ask of the New US Congress and President and Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team). 




Copyright © Ezilidanto (HLLN)

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Funny or Dead: Prez Says "Grow Some Balls" Obama

"Barack Obama gets a surprise visit in the night from ex-Presidents Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton, Ford, Reagan and Carter to get a few pointers about the Consumer Financial Protection Agency and why it's so important."

funny or die funny men one woman
Will Farrell, Dana Carvey and Dan Akroyd in Funny or Die's Presidential Reunion video.

Obama goes to bed with concerns about consumer protection. Michelle's advice as she reads Oprah's O Magazine: "Go to bed, Honey. You're heart will tell you what to do."

What is this video getting at you ask? Basically, wake up Obama, your presidency is sinking unless you establish the Consumer Finance Protection Agency and get it through Congress.

Presidents dead and alive, reunite in an all-star SNL skit we would all want to see if SNL was still the hot star minting commodity it was in the 80s and 90s. The video stars Jim Carrey as Ronald Reagan, Will Farrell as Bush Jr., Darrell Hammond as William Jefferson Clinton, Dana Carvey as Bush Sr., Dan Akroyd as Jimmy Carter, Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford, Fred Armisen and Maya Rudolph are Barack and Michelle Obama. Directed by Ron Howard, the comedians of SNL past and present still have a dream.

The Obama character's dream is reminiscent of "A Christmas Carol," but differs in that it is a pep talk rather than a nightmarish scenario. Ebenezer Scrooge's ghosts of the past and the present were ever more scary. This Funny or Die video incapsulates for us the nightmare that has been American leadership over the years. Moving forward a precipice beckons if Main Street does not get more support. Government came to the aid of the Banksters and failing auto giants but so far no real relief for average folks.

The lines from Jim Carrey's Ronald Reagan (spot on portrayal!) most tickled my funny bone: "Well, I'm dead, but I'm going to be a guest on Dancing with the Stars" or "Grow some balls [Obama]" or "I went against Tip O'Neil with nothing but a psychic oracle and these pendulous balls." Instant classic!

Obama, all the presidential funny men affirm: "we messed everything up royally," but "Tag you're it" and "Grow some nuts for the Gipper."

Jimmy Carter was the exception, as the video points out. He warned about the stew the U.S. would be in if there wasn't an effort to conserve energy and do the hard and unpopular things. Of course Reagan came into power and removed the solar panels that Carter had installed on the White House. Ballsy act, but dead wrong.

The Democrats are showing "signs of life." The good news is that there was a forum for open debate about healthcare with the President (the summit on healthcare) and since bipartisanship is not something that interests the Republicans, the Democrats have said they will pass healthcare reform with a simple majority or the reconciliation process that will bypass the Party of no's filibusters.

As a vocal critic of president Obama, I have to give him credit when it's due. Yesterday, Obama made it clear that he'd drawn a line and reached a point where he was moving forward with his health care plan, with or without the Republican party.

This is a decisive, strong leadership move. It's coming late, but better late than never.

Now 35 Democratic Senators support passing a Public Option through reconciliation. Democracy for America has the list. You can become a citizen co-sponsor.

Visit the Funny or Die website for a couple of good laugh.
Funny or Die's Presidential Reunion
"Barack Obama gets a surprise visit in the night from ex-Presidents Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton, Ford, Reagan and Carter to get a few pointers about the Consumer Financial Protection Agency and why it's so important."

When you're done laughing, hold Congress accountable for protecting us consumers and visit this website: The Main Street Brigade is all about protecting the consumer. And that's no laughing matter.